SGGSAng 1090Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


dovY qrPw aupweIEnu ivic skiq isv vwsw ]

dhovai tharafaa oupaaeeoun vich sakath siv vaasaa ||

He created both sides; Shiva dwells within Shakti (the soul dwells within the material universe).

skqI iknY n pwieE iPir jnim ibnwsw ]

sakathee kinai n paaeiou fir janam binaasaa ||

Through the material universe of Shakti, no one has ever found the Lord; they continue to be born and die in reincarnation.

guir syivAY swiq pweIAY jip sws igrwsw ]

gur saeviai saath paaeeai jap saas giraasaa ||

Serving the Guru, peace is found, meditating on the Lord with every breath and morsel of food.

isimRiq swsq soiD dyKu aUqm hir dwsw ]

simrith saasath sodhh dhaekh ootham har dhaasaa ||

Searching and looking through the Simritees and the Shaastras, I have found that the most sublime person is the slave of the Lord.

nwnk nwm ibnw ko iQru nhI nwmy bil jwsw ]10]

naanak naam binaa ko thhir nehee naamae bal jaasaa ||10||

O Nanak, without the Naam, nothing is permanent and stable; I am a sacrifice to the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||10||