SGGSAng 50Sri RaagMahalla 515 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw

sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||

Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

imTw kir kY KwieAw kauVw aupijAw swdu ]

aucwrx swdu: polw bolo

mithaa kar kai khaaeiaa kourraa oupajiaa saadh ||

People eat what they believe to be sweet, but it turns out to be bitter in taste.

BweI mIq suird kIey ibiKAw ricAw bwdu ]

bhaaee meeth suridh keeeae bikhiaa rachiaa baadh ||

They attach their affections to brothers and friends, uselessly engrossed in corruption.

jWdy iblm n hoveI ivxu nwvY ibsmwdu ]1]

jaandhae bilam n hovee vin naavai bisamaadh ||1||

They vanish without a moment's delay; without God's Name, they are stunned and amazed. ||1||

myry mn sqgur kI syvw lwgu ]

maerae man sathagur kee saevaa laag ||

O my mind, attach yourself to the service of the True Guru.

jo dIsY so ivxsxw mn kI miq iqAwgu ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx m`iq

jo dheesai so vinasanaa man kee math thiaag ||1|| rehaao ||

Whatever is seen, shall pass away. Abandon the intellectualizations of your mind. ||1||Pause||

ijau kUkru hrkwieAw DwvY dh ids jwie ]

jio kookar harakaaeiaa dhhaavai dheh dhis jaae ||

Like the mad dog running around in all directions,

loBI jµqu n jwxeI BKu ABKu sB Kwie ]

aucwrx A-BKu

lobhee janth n jaanee bhakh abhakh sabh khaae ||

The greedy person, unaware, consumes everything, edible and non-edible alike.

kwm kRoD mid ibAwipAw iPir iPir jonI pwie ]2]

kaam krodhh madh biaapiaa fir fir jonee paae ||2||

Engrossed in the intoxication of sexual desire and anger, people wander through reincarnation over and over again. ||2||

mwieAw jwlu pswirAw BIqir cog bxwie ]

maaeiaa jaal pasaariaa bheethar chog banaae ||

Maya has spread out her net, and in it, she has placed the bait.

iqRsnw pMKI PwisAw inksu n pwey mwie ]

thrisanaa pankhee faasiaa nikas n paaeae maae ||

The bird of desire is caught, and cannot find any escape, O my mother.

ijin kIqw iqsih n jwxeI iPir iPir AwvY jwie ]3]

jin keethaa thisehi n jaanee fir fir aavai jaae ||3||

One who does not know the Lord who created him, comes and goes in reincarnation over and over again. ||3||

Aink pRkwrI moihAw bhu ibiD iehu sMswru ]

anik prakaaree mohiaa bahu bidhh eihu sansaar ||

By various devices, and in so many ways, this world is enticed.

ijsno rKY so rhY sµimRQu purKu Apwru ]

jis no rakhai so rehai sanmrithh purakh apaar ||

They alone are saved, whom the All-powerful, Infinite Lord protects.

hir jn hir ilv auDry nwnk sd bilhwru ]4]21]91]

har jan har liv oudhharae naanak sadh balihaar ||4||21||91||

The servants of the Lord are saved by the Love of the Lord. O Nanak, I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||4||21||91||