SGGSAng 645Raag SorathRaag Sorath Vaar Mahalley 4 Ki6 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


eyh BUpiq rwxy rMg idn cwir suhwvxw ]

eaeh bhoopath raanae rang dhin chaar suhaavanaa ||

The pleasures of kings and emperors are pleasing, but they last for only a few days.

eyhu mwieAw rMgu ksuµB iKn mih lih jwvxw ]

eaehu maaeiaa rang kasunbh khin mehi lehi jaavanaa ||

These pleasures of Maya are like the color of the safflower, which wears off in a moment.

clidAw nwil n clY isir pwp lY jwvxw ]

aucwrx c`lY

chaladhiaa naal n chalai sir paap lai jaavanaa ||

They do not go with him when he departs; instead, he carries the load of sins upon his head.

jW pkiV clwieAw kwil qW Krw frwvxw ]

jaan pakarr chalaaeiaa kaal thaan kharaa ddaraavanaa ||

When death seizes him, and marches him away, then he looks absolutely hideous.

Eh vylw hiQ n AwvY iPir pCuqwvxw ]6]

aucwrx vylw: polw bolo

ouh vaelaa hathh n aavai fir pashhuthaavanaa ||6||

That lost opportunity will not come into his hands again, and in the end, he regrets and repents. ||6||