Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
Aink BWiq kir syvw krIAY ]
anik bhaanth kar saevaa kareeai ||
Serve Him in many different ways;
jIau pRwn Dnu AwgY DrIAY ]
jeeo praan dhhan aagai dhhareeai ||
Dedicate your soul, your breath of life and your wealth to Him.
pwnI pKw krau qij AiBmwnu ]
paanee pakhaa karo thaj abhimaan ||
Carry water for Him, and wave the fan over Him - renounce your ego.
Aink bwr jweIAY kurbwnu ]1]
anik baar jaaeeai kurabaan ||1||
Make yourself a sacrifice to Him, time and time again. ||1||
sweI suhwgix jo pRB BweI ]
aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo
saaee suhaagan jo prabh bhaaee ||
She alone is the happy soul-bride, who is pleasing to God.
iqskY sµig imlau myrI mweI ]1] rhwau ]
this kai sang milo maeree maaee ||1|| rehaao ||
In her company, I may meet Him, O my mother. ||1||Pause||
dwsin dwsI kI pinhwir ]
dhaasan dhaasee kee panihaar ||
I am the water-carrier of the slaves of His slaves.
aun@ kI ryxu bsY jIA nwil ]
ounh kee raen basai jeea naal ||
I treasure in my soul the dust of their feet.
mwQY Bwgu q pwvau sMgu ]
maathhai bhaag th paavo sang ||
By that good destiny inscribed upon my forehead, I obtain their society.
imlY suAwmI ApunY rµig ]2]
milai suaamee apunai rang ||2||
Through His Love, the Lord Master meets me. ||2||
jwp qwp dyvau sB nymw ]
jaap thaap dhaevo sabh naemaa ||
I dedicate all to Him - chanting and meditation, austerity and religious observances.
krm Drm Arpau sB homw ]
karam dhharam arapo sabh homaa ||
I offer all to Him - good actions, righteous conduct and incense burning.
grbu mohu qij hovau ryn ]
garab mohu thaj hovo raen ||
Renouncing pride and attachment, I become the dust of the feet of the Saints.
aun@ kY sµig dyKau pRBu nYn ]3]
ounh kai sang dhaekho prabh nain ||3||
In their society, I behold God with my eyes. ||3||
inmK inmK eyhI AwrwDau ]
nimakh nimakh eaehee aaraadhho ||
Each and every moment, I contemplate and adore Him.
idnsu rYix eyh syvw swDau ]
dhinas rain eaeh saevaa saadhho ||
Day and night, I serve Him like this.
Bey ikRpwl gupwl goibMd ]
bheae kirapaal gupaal gobindh ||
The Lord of the Universe, the Cherisher of the World, has become merciful;
swDsµig nwnk bKisMd ]4]33]84]
saadhhasang naanak bakhasindh ||4||33||84||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, He forgives us. ||4||33||84||