SGGSAng 391Raag AsaMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

pRB kI pRIiq sdw suKu hoie ]

prabh kee preeth sadhaa sukh hoe ||

In the Love of God, eternal peace is obtained.

pRB kI pRIiq duKu lgY n koie ]

prabh kee preeth dhukh lagai n koe ||

In the Love of God, one is not touched by pain.

pRB kI pRIiq haumY mlu Koie ]

aucwrx mlu: polw bolo

prabh kee preeth houmai mal khoe ||

In the Love of God, the filth of ego is washed away.

pRB kI pRIiq sd inrml hoie ]1]

prabh kee preeth sadh niramal hoe ||1||

In the Love of God, one becomes forever immaculate. ||1||

sunhu mIq AYsw pRym ipAwru ]

sunahu meeth aisaa praem piaar ||

Listen, O friend: show such love and affection to God,

jIA pRwn Gt Gt AwDwru ]1] rhwau ]

jeea praan ghatt ghatt aadhhaar ||1|| rehaao ||

The Support of the soul, the breath of life, of each and every heart. ||1||Pause||

pRB kI pRIiq Bey sgl inDwn ]

prabh kee preeth bheae sagal nidhhaan ||

In the Love of God, all treasures are obtained.

pRB kI pRIiq irdY inrml nwm ]

prabh kee preeth ridhai niramal naam ||

In the Love of God, the Immaculate Naam fills the heart.

pRB kI pRIiq sd soBwvµq ]

prabh kee preeth sadh sobhaavanth ||

In the Love of God, one is eternally embellished.

pRB kI pRIiq sB imtI hY icMq ]2]

aucwrx imtI: polw bolo

prabh kee preeth sabh mittee hai chinth ||2||

In the Love of God, all anxiety is ended. ||2||

pRB kI pRIiq iehu Bvjlu qrY ]

prabh kee preeth eihu bhavajal tharai ||

In the Love of God, one crosses over this terrible world-ocean.

pRB kI pRIiq jm qy nhI frY ]

prabh kee preeth jam thae nehee ddarai ||

In the Love of God, one does not fear death.

pRB kI pRIiq sgl auDwrY ]

prabh kee preeth sagal oudhhaarai ||

In the Love of God, all are saved.

pRB kI pRIiq clY sµgwrY ]3]

aucwrx c`lY

prabh kee preeth chalai sangaarai ||3||

The Love of God shall go along with you. ||3||

Awphu koeI imlY n BUlY ]

aapahu koee milai n bhoolai ||

By himself, no one is united, and no one goes astray.

ijsu ikRpwlu iqsu swDsµig GUlY ]

jis kirapaal this saadhhasang ghoolai ||

One who is blessed by God's Mercy, joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

khu nwnk qyrY kurbwxu ]

kahu naanak thaerai kurabaan ||

Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to You.

sMq Et pRB qyrw qwxu ]4]34]85]

santh outt prabh thaeraa thaan ||4||34||85||

O God, You are the Support and the Strength of the Saints. ||4||34||85||