4: auho hI
Himself the enjoyer as well as the joy
Awpy plMGu ivCwiekY Awip AMdir sauNdw ]
aapay palaghu vichhaai kai aapi andari saoundaa.
He Himself spreads the bedstead and Himself reclines on it.
suhxy AMdir jwie kY dysMqr BauNdw ]
suhanay andari jaai kai daysantari bhaoundaa.
Entering into the dreams He wanders through far off regions.
rMku rwau rwau rMku hoie duK suK ivic pauNdw ]
ranku raau raau ranku hoi doukh soukh vichi paoundaa.
Making the poor a king and the king a poor person He puts them in pain and pleasure.
qqw sIArw hoie jlu Awvtxu KauNdw ]
tataa seearaa hoi jalu aavatanu khaoundaa.
In the form of water He Himself gets hot and cold.
hrK sog ivic Dwvdw cwvwey cauNdw ]
harakh sog vichi dhaanvadaa chaavaaay chaoundaa.
Amidst sorrows and delights He moves around and responds to the call when called.
Awpy Awip vrqdw gurmuiK suKu rauNdw ]4]
aapay aapi varatadaa guramoukhi soukhu raoundaa ||4||
The gurmukh, realising His nature of premeating through all, attains happiness.