SGGSAng 786Raag SuhiVaar Suhi Ki Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

sloku mÚ 3 ]

aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw

salok ma 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

sUhvIey sUhw sBu sMswru hY ijn@ durmiq dUjw Bwau ]

soohaveeeae soohaa sabh sansaar hai jin dhuramath dhoojaa bhaao ||

O red-robed woman, the whole world is red, engrossed in evil-mindedness and the love of duality.

iKn mih JUTu sBu ibnis jwie ijau itkY n ibrK kI Cwau ]

aucwrx itkY: polw bolo

khin mehi jhooth sabh binas jaae jio ttikai n birakh kee shhaao ||

In an instant, this falsehood totally vanishes; like the shade of a tree, it is gone.

gurmuiK lwlo lwlu hY ijau rµig mjIT s cVwau ]

aucwrx s c`Vwau: v`Krw krky

guramukh laalo laal hai jio rang majeeth sacharraao ||

The Gurmukh is the deepest crimson of crimson, dyed in the permanent color of the Lord's Love.

aultI skiq isvY Gir AweI min visAw hir AMimRq nwau ]

oulattee sakath sivai ghar aaee man vasiaa har anmrith naao ||

She turns away from Maya, and enters the celestial home of the Lord; the Ambrosial Name of the Lord dwells within her mind.

nwnk bilhwrI gur Awpxy ijqu imilAY hir gux gwau ]1]

naanak balihaaree gur aapanae jith miliai har gun gaao ||1||

O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to my Guru; meeting Him, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||