SGGSAng 396Raag AsaMahalla 512 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw Gru 8 kwPI mhlw 5

aucwrx Awsw Gru ATvw kwPI mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa ghar 8 kaafee mehalaa 5

Aasaa, Eighth House, Kaafee, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mY bMdw bY KrIdu scu swihbu myrw ]

mai bandhaa bai khareedh sach saahib maeraa ||

I am Your purchased slave, O True Lord Master.

jIau ipMfu sBu iqsdw sBu ikCu hY qyrw ]1]

jeeo pindd sabh this dhaa sabh kishh hai thaeraa ||1||

My soul and body, and all of this, everything is Yours. ||1||

mwxu inmwxy qUµ DxI qyrw Brvwsw ]

maan nimaanae thoon dhhanee thaeraa bharavaasaa ||

You are the honor of the dishonored. O Master, in You I place my trust.

ibnu swcy An tyk hY so jwxhu kwcw ]1] rhwau ]

bin saachae an ttaek hai so jaanahu kaachaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the True One, any other support is false - know this well. ||1||Pause||

qyrw hukmu Apwr hY koeI AMqu n pwey ]

thaeraa hukam apaar hai koee anth n paaeae ||

Your Command is infinite; no one can find its limit.

ijsu guru pUrw BytsI so clY rjwey ]2]

aucwrx c`lY; rjwey: polw bolo

jis gur pooraa bhaettasee so chalai rajaaeae ||2||

One who meets with the Perfect Guru, walks in the Way of the Lord's Will. ||2||

cqurweI isAwxpw ikqY kwim n AweIAY ]

chathuraaee siaanapaa kithai kaam n aaeeai ||

Cunning and cleverness are of no use.

quTw swihbu jo dyvY soeI suKu pweIAY ]3]

thuthaa saahib jo dhaevai soee sukh paaeeai ||3||

That which the Lord Master gives, by the Pleasure of His Will - that is pleasing to me. ||3||

jy lK krm kmweIAih ikCu pvY n bµDw ]

jae lakh karam kamaaeeahi kishh pavai n bandhhaa ||

One may perform tens of thousands of actions, but attachment to things is not satisfied.

jn nwnk kIqw nwmu Dr horu CoifAw DMDw ]4]1]103]

jan naanak keethaa naam dhhar hor shhoddiaa dhhandhhaa ||4||1||103||

Servant Nanak has made the Naam his Support. He has renounced other entanglements. ||4||1||103||