Bhai Gurdas JiAng 28Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 288 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

8: is`DI pwky au`cy hoeIdw hY

One becomes truthful after attaining the Sikh-life

gurisKI dw rUp dyiK ieks bwJu n horsu dyKY ]

gur sikhee daa roop daykhi ikas baajhu n horasu daykhai.

One who has attained Sikh-life does not wish to have glimpse of any (god, goddess) except the Lord.

gurisKI dw cKxw lK AMimRq Pl iPkY lyKY ]

gur sikhee daa chakhanaa lakh anmrit phal dhikai laykhai.

To one who has tasted the Sikh-life, million of ambrosial fruits taste mawkish.

gurisKI dw nwdu suix lK Anhd ivsmwd AlyKY ]

gur sikhee daa naadu souni lakh anahad visamaad alaykhai.

Listening to the melody of Sikh-life, one enjoys the wondrous delight of millions of unstruck melodies.

gur isKI dw prsxw TMFw qqw ByK AByKY ]

guroo sikhee daa parasanaa tdaddhaa tataa bhaykh abhaykhai.

Those who have come in touch with the Sikh spirit have gone beyond the impacts of :hot and cold, guise and disguise.

gurisKI dI vwsu lY huie durgMD sugMD sryKY ]

gur sikhee daa vaasu lai hui duragandh sougandh saraykhai.

Having inhaled the fragrance of Sikh life, one feels all other fragrances as a smell.

gurisKI mr jIvxw Bwie Bgiq BY inmK inmyKY ]

gur sikhee mar jeevanaa bhaai bhagati bhai nimakh namaykhai.

One who has started living the ,Sikh way of life, lives every moment in loving devotion.

Alyp rhY gur sbid ivsyKY ]8]

alapi rahai gur sabadi visaykhai ||8||

Subsumed in the 'word of Guru, he remains detached from the world.