mÚ 4 ]
aucwrx mh`lw cauQw
ma 4 ||
Fourth Mehl:
hodY prqiK gurU jo ivCuVy iqn kau dir FoeI nwhI ]
aucwrx prq`iK
hodhai parathakh guroo jo vishhurrae thin ko dhar dtoee naahee ||
Those who separate themselves from the Guru, in spite of His Constant Presence - they find no place of rest in the Court of the Lord.
koeI jwie imlY iqn inMdkw muh iPky Quk Quk muih pwhI ]
koee jaae milai thin nindhakaa muh fikae thhuk thhuk muhi paahee ||
If someone goes to meet with those dull-faced slanderers, he will find their faces covered with spit.
jo siqguir iPtky sy sB jgiq iPtky inq BMBlBUsy KwhI ]
aucwrx BµBl-BUsy: dUjy 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj nwl bolo
jo sathigur fittakae sae sabh jagath fittakae nith bhanbhal bhoosae khaahee ||
Those who are cursed by the True Guru, are cursed by all the world. They wander around endlessly.
ijn guru goipAw Awpxw sy lYdy Fhw iPrwhI ]
jin gur gopiaa aapanaa sae laidhae dtehaa firaahee ||
Those who do not publicly affirm their Guru wander around, moaning and groaning.
iqn kI BuK kdy n auqrY inq BuKw BuK kUkwhI ]
thin kee bhukh kadhae n outharai nith bhukhaa bhukh kookaahee ||
Their hunger shall never depart; afflicted by constant hunger, they cry out in pain.
En@w dw AwiKAw ko n suxY inq hauly hauil mrwhI ]
ounaa dhaa aakhiaa ko n sunai nith houlae houl maraahee ||
No one hears what they have to say; they live in constant fear and terror, until they finally die.
siqgur kI vifAweI vyiK n skn@I En@w AgY ipCY Qwau nwhI ]
sathigur kee vaddiaaee vaekh n sakanee ounaa agai pishhai thhaao naahee ||
They cannot bear the glorious greatness of the True Guru, and they find no place of rest, here or hereafter.
jo siqguir mwry iqn jwie imlih rhdI KuhdI sB piq gvwhI ]
jo sathigur maarae thin jaae milehi rehadhee khuhadhee sabh path gavaahee ||
Those who go out to meet with those who have been cursed by the True Guru, lose all remnants of their honor.
Eie AgY kustI gur ky iPtky ij Esu imlY iqsu kustu auTwhI ]
oue agai kusattee gur kae fittakae j ous milai this kusatt outhaahee ||
They have already become like lepers; cursed by the Guru, whoever meets them is also afflicted with leprosy.
hir iqn kw drsnu nw krhu jo dUjY Bwie icqu lwhI ]
har thin kaa dharasan naa karahu jo dhoojai bhaae chith laahee ||
O Lord, I pray that I may not even catch sight of those, who focus their consciousness on the love of duality.
Duir krqY Awip iliK pwieAw iqsu nwil ikhu cwrw nwhI ]
dhhur karathai aap likh paaeiaa this naal kihu chaaraa naahee ||
That which the Creator pre-ordained from the very beginning - there can be no escape from that.
jn nwnk nwmu ArwiD qU iqsu ApiV ko n skwhI ]
aucwrx A`piV
jan naanak naam araadhh thoo this aparr ko n sakaahee ||
O servant Nanak, worship and adore the Naam, the Name of the Lord; no one can equal it.
nwvY kI vifAweI vfI hY inq svweI cVY cVwhI ]2]
naavai kee vaddiaaee vaddee hai nith savaaee charrai charraahee ||2||
Great is the greatness of His Name; it increases, day by day. ||2||