SGGSAng 309Raag GauriGauri Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

4 ]

aucwrx mh`lw cauQw

ma 4 ||

Fourth Mehl:

ij hodY gurU bih itikAw iqsu jn kI vifAweI vfI hoeI ]

aucwrx it`ikAw

j honadhai guroo behi ttikiaa this jan kee vaddiaaee vaddee hoee ||

Great is the greatness of that humble being, whom the Guru Himself anointed in His Presence.

iqsu kau jgqu inivAw sBu pYrI pieAw jsu vriqAw loeI ]

this ko jagath niviaa sabh pairee paeiaa jas varathiaa loee ||

All the world comes and bows to him, falling at his feet. His praises spread throughout the world.

iqs kau KMf bRhmMf nmskwru krih ijskY msqik hQu DirAw guir pUrY so pUrw hoeI ]

this ko khandd brehamandd namasakaar karehi jis kai masathak hathh dhhariaa gur poorai so pooraa hoee ||

The galaxies and solar systems bow in reverence to him; the Perfect Guru has placed His hand upon his head, and he has become perfect.

gur kI vifAweI inq cVY svweI ApiV ko n skoeI ]

aucwrx A`piV; s-koeI

gur kee vaddiaaee nith charrai savaaee aparr ko n sakoee ||

The glorious greatness of the Guru increases day by day; no one can equal it.

jnu nwnku hir krqY Awip bih itikAw Awpy pYj rKY pRBu soeI ]3]

aucwrx it`ikAw

jan naanak har karathai aap behi ttikiaa aapae paij rakhai prabh soee ||3||

O servant Nanak, the Creator Lord Himself established him; God preserves his honor. ||3||