SGGSAng 1164Raag BhaironNaamdev Jio Ki11 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

kbhU KIir Kwf GIau n BwvY ]

kabehoo kheer khaadd gheeo n bhaavai ||

Sometimes, people do not appreciate milk, sugar and ghee.

kbhU Gr Gr tUk mgwvY ]

kabehoo ghar ghar ttook magaavai ||

Sometimes, they have to beg for bread from door to door.

kbhU kUrnu cny ibnwvY ]1]

kabehoo kooran chanae binaavai ||1||

Sometimes, they have to pick out the grain from the chaff. ||1||

ijau rwmu rwKY iqau rhIAY ry BweI ]

jio raam raakhai thio reheeai rae bhaaee ||

As the Lord keeps us, so do we live, O Siblings of Destiny.

hir kI mihmw ikCu kQnu n jweI ]1] rhwau ]

har kee mehimaa kishh kathhan n jaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

The Lord's Glory cannot even be described. ||1||Pause||

kbhU qury qurµg ncwvY ]

kabehoo thurae thurang nachaavai ||

Sometimes, people prance around on horses.

kbhU pwie pnhIE n pwvY ]2]

aucwrx pn-hIE

kabehoo paae paneheeou n paavai ||2||

Sometimes, they do not even have shoes for their feet. ||2||

kbhU Kwt supydI suvwvY ]

kabehoo khaatt supaedhee suvaavai ||

Sometimes, people sleep on cozy beds with white sheets.

kbhU BUim pYAwru n pwvY ]3]

kabehoo bhoom paiaar n paavai ||3||

Sometimes, they do not even have straw to put down on the ground. ||3||

Bniq nwmdyau ieku nwmu insqwrY ]

bhanath naamadhaeo eik naam nisathaarai ||

Naam Dayv prays, only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, can save us.

ijh guru imlY iqh pwir auqwrY ]4]5]

jih gur milai thih paar outhaarai ||4||5||

One who meets the Guru, is carried across to the other side. ||4||5||