hsq Kylq qyry dyhury AwieAw ]
hasath khaelath thaerae dhaehurae aaeiaa ||
Laughing and playing, I came to Your Temple, O Lord.
Bgiq krq nwmw pkir auTwieAw ]1]
bhagath karath naamaa pakar outhaaeiaa ||1||
While Naam Dayv was worshipping, he was grabbed and driven out. ||1||
hInVI jwiq myrI jwidm rwieAw ]
heenarree jaath maeree jaadhim raaeiaa ||
I am of a low social class, O Lord;
CIpy ky jnim kwhy kau AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
shheepae kae janam kaahae ko aaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Why was I born into a family of fabric dyers? ||1||Pause||
lY kmlI cilE pltwie ]
lai kamalee chaliou palattaae ||
I picked up my blanket and went back,
dyhurY pwCY bYTw jwie ]2]
dhaehurai paashhai baithaa jaae ||2||
To sit behind the temple. ||2||
ijau ijau nwmw hir gux aucrY ]
jio jio naamaa har gun oucharai ||
As Naam Dayv uttered the Glorious Praises of the Lord,
Bgq jnW kau dyhurw iPrY ]3]6]
bhagath janaan ko dhaehuraa firai ||3||6||
The temple turned around to face the Lord's humble devotee. ||3||6||