SGGSAng 1147Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

pRQmy CofI prweI inMdw ]

prathhamae shhoddee paraaee nindhaa ||

First, I gave up slandering others.

auqir geI sB mn kI icMdw ]

outhar gee sabh man kee chindhaa ||

All the anxiety of my mind was dispelled.

loBu mohu sBu kIno dUir ]

lobh mohu sabh keeno dhoor ||

Greed and attachment were totally banished.

prm bYsno pRB pyiK hjUir ]1]

param baisano prabh paekh hajoor ||1||

I see God ever-present, close at hand; I have become a great devotee. ||1||

AYso iqAwgI ivrlw koie ]

aiso thiaagee viralaa koe ||

Such a renunciate is very rare.

hir hir nwmu jpY jnu soie ]1] rhwau ]

har har naam japai jan soe ||1|| rehaao ||

Such a humble servant chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

AhµbuiD kw CoifAw sMgu ]

ahanbudhh kaa shhoddiaa sang ||

I have forsaken my egotistical intellect.

kwm kRoD kw auqirAw rMgu ]

kaam krodhh kaa outhariaa rang ||

The love of sexual desire and anger has vanished.

nwm iDAwey hir hir hry ]

naam dhhiaaeae har har harae ||

I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

swD jnw kY sµig insqry ]2]

saadhh janaa kai sang nisatharae ||2||

In the Company of the Holy, I am emancipated. ||2||

bYrI mIq hoey sMmwn ]

bairee meeth hoeae sanmaan ||

Enemy and friend are all the same to me.

srb mih pUrn Bgvwn ]

sarab mehi pooran bhagavaan ||

The Perfect Lord God is permeating all.

pRB kI AwigAw mwin suKu pwieAw ]

prabh kee aagiaa maan sukh paaeiaa ||

Accepting the Will of God, I have found peace.

guir pUrY hir nwmu idRVwieAw ]3]

gur poorai har naam dhrirraaeiaa ||3||

The Perfect Guru has implanted the Name of the Lord within me. ||3||

kir ikrpw ijsu rwKY Awip ]

kar kirapaa jis raakhai aap ||

That person, whom the Lord, in His Mercy, saves

soeI Bgqu jpY nwm jwp ]

soee bhagath japai naam jaap ||

That devotee chants and meditates on the Naam.

min pRgwsu gur qy miq leI ]

aucwrx m`iq

man pragaas gur thae math lee ||

That person, whose mind is illumined, and who obtains understanding through the Guru

khu nwnk qw kI pUrI peI ]4]27]40]

kahu naanak thaa kee pooree pee ||4||27||40||

- says Nanak, he is totally fulfilled. ||4||27||40||