Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

23: isru dIjY kwx n kIjY

Never hesitate in sacrifice

dIpk jlY pqMg vMsu iPir dyiK n htY ]

deepak jalai patang vansu dhiri daykh n hatai.

Seeing the burning flame of the lamp the moths cannot withhold themselves.

jl ivchu PiV kFIAY mC nyhu n GtY ]

jal vichahu dharhi kaddheeai machh nayhu n ghatai.

The fish is taken out of water but still it does not give up its love for water.

GMfw hyVY imrg ijau suix nwdu pltY ]

ghandaa hayrhai mirag jiu souni naad palatai.

As listening to the drum beat of the hunter, the deer turns towards the sound,

BvrY vwsu ivxwsu hY PiV kvlu sMGtY ]

bhavarai vaasu vinaasu hai dharhi kavalu sanghatai.

And the black bee by entering the flower perishes itself for enjoying the fragrance.

gurmuiK suK Plu iprm rsu bhu bMDn ktY ]

guramoukhi soukh phalu piram rasu bahu bandhan katai.

Similarly, the gurmukhs enjoy the delight of love and liberate themselves from all the bondages.

DMnu DMnu guris`K vMsu DMnu gurmiq iniD KtY ]23]27]

dhannu dhannu gurasikh vansu hai dhannu guramati nidhi khatai ||23||27|| sataaee ||

The family lineage of theGuru and the Sikhs is blessed who following the wisdom of Guru realize the self.