Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

22: Awqm pRwpqI jugq

Technique of self realization

PulI vwsu invwsu hY ikqu jugiq smwxI ]

phulee vaasu nivaasu hai kitu jougati samaanee.

The fragrance resides in the flowers but none knows how it takes place there.

Plw AMdir ijau swdu bhu isMjy iek pwxI ]

phulaan andari jiu saadu bahu sinjay ik paanee.

Tastes of the fruits are varied, though the same water irrigates them.

iGau duD ivic vKwxIAY ko mrmu n jwxI ]

ghiu dudhu vichi vakhaaneeai ko maramu n jaanee.

Butter remains in the milk but none understands this mystery.

ijau bYsMqru kwT ivic Ehu AlK ivfwxI ]

jiu baisantaru kaatd vichi aohu alakh vidaanee.

In the gurmukhs, due to their discipline the realization of authentic self takes place.

gurmuiK sMjim inklY prgtu prvwxI ]

guramoukhi sanjami nikalai paragatu paravaanee.

For this all, the gurmukh applies the method of love for Guru,

pIr murIdW iprhVI sMgiq gurbwxI ]22]

peer mureedaan piraharhee sangati gurabaanee ||22||

Sangati and the hyms of the Guru, Gurbani