SGGSAng 409Raag AsaMahalla 517 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

AwswvrI mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awswv-rI mh`lw pMjvw

aasaavaree mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl:

mnsw eyk mwin hW ]

manasaa eaek maan haan ||

Cherish one desire only:

gur isau nyq iDAwin hW ]

gur sio naeth dhhiaan haan ||

Meditate continually on the Guru.

idRVu sMq mMq igAwin hW ]

dhrirr santh manth giaan haan ||

Install the wisdom of the Saints' Mantra.

syvw gur crwin hW ]

saevaa gur charaan haan ||

Serve the Feet of the Guru,

qau imlIAY gur ikrpwin myry mnw ]1] rhwau ]

tho mileeai gur kirapaan maerae manaa ||1|| rehaao ||

And you shall meet Him, by Guru's Grace, O my mind. ||1||Pause||

tUty An Brwin hW ]

ttoottae an bharaan haan ||

All doubts are dispelled,

rivE srb Qwin hW ]

raviou sarab thhaan haan ||

And the Lord is seen to be pervading all places.

lihE jm BieAwin hW ]

lehiou jam bhaeiaan haan ||

The fear of death is dispelled,

pwieE pyf Qwin hW ]

aucwrx pyf: polw bolo

paaeiou paedd thhaan haan ||

And the primal place is obtained.

qau cUkI sgl kwin ]1]

tho chookee sagal kaan ||1||

Then, all subservience is removed. ||1||

lhno ijsu mQwin hW ]

lehano jis mathhaan haan ||

One who has such destiny recorded upon his forehead, obtains it;

BY pwvk pwir prwin hW ]

bhai paavak paar paraan haan ||

He crosses over the terrifying ocean of fire.

inj Gir iqsih Qwin hW ]

nij ghar thisehi thhaan haan ||

He obtains a place in the home of his own self,

hir rs rsih mwin hW ]

har ras rasehi maan haan ||

And enjoys the most sublime essence of the Lord's essence.

lwQI iqs BuKwin hW ]

laathhee this bhukhaan haan ||

His hunger is appeased;

nwnk shij smwieE ry mnw ]2]2]158]

naanak sehaj samaaeiou rae manaa ||2||2||158||

Nanak, he is absorbed in celestial peace, O my mind. ||2||2||158||