Bhai Gurdas JiAng 28Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 288 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

18: is`KI srb iSromxI hY

Sikh life is supreme

lK jp qp lK sMjmw hom jg lK vrq krMdy ]

lakh jap tap lakh sanjamaan hom jag lakh varat karanday.

Millions of recitations, disciplines, continences, burnt oblations and fasts are performed.

lK qIrQ lK aUlKw lK purIAw lK purb lgMdy ]

lakh teerad lakh oolakhaa lakh pureeaa lakh purab laganday.

Millions of holy journeys, charities are undertaken and millions of holy occasions are celebrated.

dyvI dyvl dyhury lK pujwrI pUj krMdy ]

dayvee dayval dayhuray lakh pujaaree pooj karanday.

In the abodes of goddesses, and the temples, millions of priests perform worship.

jl Ql mhIAl Brmdy krm Drm lK Pyir iPrMdy ]

jal dal maheeal bharamaday karam dharam lakh dhayri dhiranday.

Moving on earth and in the sky, millions practitioners of dharma-oriented activities run hither and thither.

lK prbq vxKMf lK lK audwsI hoie BvMdy ]

lakh parabat van khand lakh lakh udaasee hoi bhavanday.

Millions of people becoming unconcerned with worldy affairs go on moving in the mountains and forests.

AgnI AMgu jlwieNdy lK ihmMcil jwie glMdy ]

aganee angu jalaainday lakh himanchali jaai galaday.

Millions are there who die by burning themselves and millions are there who die by freezing themselves In the snowy mountains.

guru isKI suKu iqlu n lhMdy ]18]

gur sikhee soukhu tilu n lahanday ||18||

But they all cannot take even a fraction of joy ,Attainable in the life of a Sikh of the Guru.