Bhai Gurdas JiAng 28Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 288 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

19: pUrw gurU ''nwnk'' ibn giq nhIN

No liberation without the perfect Guru ''

cwir vrx kir vriqAw vrnu ichnu ikhu ndir n AwieAw ]

chaari varan kari varatiaa varanu chihanu kihu nadari n aaiaa.

That Lord is diffused in all the four varnas, but , His own colour and mark are imperceptible.

iCA drsnu ByKDwrIAW drsn ivic n drsnu pwieAw ]

chhia darasanu bhaykhadhaareeaan darasan vichi n darasanu paaiaa.

The followers of the six philosophical orders (of India) could not see Him in their philosophies.

sMinAwsI ds nwv Dir nwau gxwie n nwau iDAwieAw ]

sanniaasee das naav dhari naau ganaai n naau dhiaaiaa.

Sannyasis giving ten names to their sects, counted His many names but donnot contemplate the Nam.

rwvl bwrh pMQ kir gurmuK pMQu n AlKu lKwieAw ]

raaval baarah pand kari guramoukh pandu n alakhu lakhaaiaa.

Ravals (yogis) made their twelve sects but the imperceptible way of the gurmukhs could not be known by them.

bhu rUpI bhu rUpIey rUp n ryK n lyKu imtwieAw ]

bahu roopee bahu roopeeay roop n raykh n laykhu mitaaiaa.

The mimics assumed many forms but even then they could not wipe out the writ (inscribed by the Lord) i.e. they could not attain liberation from transmigration.

imil imil cldy sMg lK swDU sMig n rMg rMgwieAw ]

mili mili chaladay sang lakh saadhoo sangi n rang rangaaiaa.

Though millions of people move jointly creating various leagues and sects but they also could not dye their minds in the (steadfast) colour of holy congregation.

ivx guru pUry mohy mwieAw ]19]

vin guru pooray mohay maaiaa ||19||

Without the perfect Guru, they all are infatuated by maya.