Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

AY zuli& AMbrIin qU goXw nkwib subhw

ai zulaf anbareen thoo goyaa nakaab subehaa

Your firmament like lock of hair is just like a camouflage for the morning,

ipnhW cU zyr Abir isAwh AwPqwib subhw ] 17 ] 1 ]

pinehaan choo zaer abar siaah aafathaab subehaa || 17 || 1 ||

Like a morning sun having been eclipsed under the black clouds. (17) (1)

bIrUM br-Awmd AW mih mn cUM z ^wib subhw

beeroon bara-aamadh aan mehi man choon z khaab subehaa

When my moon, while waking up from his day-sleep, came out,

sd qwAnw mI-znd b rui^ AwPqwib subhw ] 17 ] 2 ]

sadh thaaanaa mee-zanadh b rukh aafathaab subehaa || 17 || 2 ||

It was as if he was imprecating the posture of the morning sun. (17) (2)

bw-cSim ^wbnwk cUM bIrUM br AwmdI

baa-chasham khaabanaak choon beeroon bar aamadhee

When you, the Guru, emerged with your sleepy eyes from your Bed of love,

SrimMdw gSq Az rui^ qU AwPqwib subhw ] 17 ] 3 ]

sharamindhaa gashath az rukh thoo aafathaab subehaa || 17 || 3 ||

The morning sun was chagrined and abashed to compare itself with the radiance of your face. (17) (3)

Az mkdim SrI& jhW rw idhd &roZ

az makadham shareef jehaan raa dhihadh farogha

When the slumbering morning sun takes off his veil from its face,

cUM br-kSd nkwb iz rui^ Aw&qwib subhw ] 17 ] 4 ]

choon bara-kashadh nakaab z rukh aafathaab subehaa || 17 || 4 ||

With its fortunate arrival, it brings (day)light to the whole world. (17) (4)

bydwrI Asq izMdgIie swihbwn SOk

baedhaaree asath zindhageee saahibaan shaauaka

The whole life of worldly people is an unending night-long vigil and is an ever lasting amnesia,

goXw hrwm krdm Az AwieMdw ^wib subhw ] 17 ] 5 ]

goyaa haraam karadham az aaeindhaa khaab subehaa || 17 || 5 ||

Goyaa says, However, for me, sleeping during the wee hours of the morning will be forbidden, sinful and morally wrong from now on. (17) (5)