SGGSAng 1240Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 47 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pihlw

mehalaa 1 ||

First Mehl:

nwnk culIAw sucIAw jy Bir jwxY koie ]

aucwrx culIAw: polw bolo

naanak chuleeaa sucheeaa jae bhar jaanai koe ||

O Nanak, the mouth is truly cleansed by ritual cleansing, if you really know how to do it.

surqy culI igAwn kI jogI kw jqu hoie ]

aucwrx culI: polw bolo

surathae chulee giaan kee jogee kaa jath hoe ||

For the intuitively aware, cleansing is spiritual wisdom. For the Yogi, it is self-control.

bRhmx culI sµqoK kI igrhI kw squ dwnu ]

aucwrx bRhmx: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; culI: polw bolo

brehaman chulee santhokh kee girehee kaa sath dhaan ||

For the Brahmin, cleansing is contentment; for the householder, it is truth and charity.

rwjy culI inAwv kI piVAw scu iDAwnu ]

aucwrx culI: polw bolo

raajae chulee niaav kee parriaa sach dhhiaan ||

For the king, cleansing is justice; for the scholar, it is true meditation.

pwxI icqu n DopeI muiK pIqY iqK jwie ]

aucwrx iqK: polw bolo

paanee chith n dhhopee mukh peethai thikh jaae ||

The consciousness is not washed with water; you drink it to quench your thirst.

pwxI ipqw jgq kw iPir pwxI sBu Kwie ]2]

paanee pithaa jagath kaa fir paanee sabh khaae ||2||

Water is the father of the world; in the end, water destroys it all. ||2||