SGGSAng 1240Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 49 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

slok mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx slok mh`lw pihlw

salok mehalaa 1 ||

Shalok, First Mehl:

jUiT n rwgˆØI jUiT n vydˆØI ]

jooth n raaganaee jooth n vaedhanaee ||

Impurity does not come from music; impurity does not come from the Vedas.

jUiT n cMd sUrj kI BydI ]

jooth n chandh sooraj kee bhaedhee ||

Impurity does not come from the phases of the sun and the moon.

jUiT n AMnI jUiT n nweI ]

jooth n annee jooth n naaee ||

Impurity does not come from food; impurity does not come from ritual cleansing baths.

jUiT n mIhu virHAY sB QweI ]

jooth n meehu varihaai sabh thhaaee ||

Impurity does not come from the rain, which falls everywhere.

jUiT n DrqI jUiT n pwxI ]

jooth n dhharathee jooth n paanee ||

Impurity does not come from the earth; impurity does not come from the water.

jUiT n pauxY mwih smwxI ]

jooth n pounai maahi samaanee ||

Impurity does not come from the air which is diffused everywhere.

nwnk inguirAw guxu nwhI koie ]

aucwrx in-guirAw

naanak niguriaa gun naahee koe ||

O Nanak, the one who has no Guru, has no redeeming virtues at all.

muih PyirAY muhu jUTw hoie ]1]

muhi faeriai muhu joothaa hoe ||1||

Impurity comes from turning one's face away from God. ||1||