soriT mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw
sorath mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:
sdw sdw hir jwpy ]
sadhaa sadhaa har jaapae ||
Forever and ever, I chant the Lord's Name.
pRB bwlk rwKy Awpy ]
prabh baalak raakhae aapae ||
God Himself has saved my child.
sIqlw Twik rhweI ]
seethalaa thaak rehaaee ||
He healed him from the smallpox.
ibGn gey hir nweI ]1]
bighan geae har naaee ||1||
My troubles have been removed through the Lord's Name. ||1||
myrw pRBu hoAw sdw dieAwlw ]
maeraa prabh hoaa sadhaa dhaeiaalaa ||
My God is forever Merciful.
Ardwis suxI Bgq Apuny kI sB jIA BieAw ikrpwlw ] rhwau ]
aradhaas sunee bhagath apunae kee sabh jeea bhaeiaa kirapaalaa || rehaao ||
He heard the prayer of His devotee, and now all beings are kind and compassionate to him. ||Pause||
pRB krx kwrx smrwQw ]
prabh karan kaaran samaraathhaa ||
God is Almighty, the Cause of causes.
hir ismrq sBu duKu lwQw ]
har simarath sabh dhukh laathhaa ||
Remembering the Lord in meditation, all pains and sorrows vanish.
Apxy dws kI suxI bynµqI ]
apanae dhaas kee sunee baenanthee ||
He has heard the prayer of His slave.
sB nwnk suiK svµqI ]2]11]75]
sabh naanak sukh savanthee ||2||11||75||
O Nanak, now everyone sleeps in peace. ||2||11||75||