SGGSAng 627Raag SorathMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

pwrbRhim swij svwirAw ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham saaj savaariaa ||

The Supreme Lord God created and embellished him.

iehu lhuVw gurU aubwirAw ]

eihu lahurraa guroo oubaariaa ||

The Guru has saved this small child.

And krhu ipq mwqw ]

anadh karahu pith maathaa ||

So celebrate and be happy, father and mother.

prmysru jIA kw dwqw ]1]

paramaesar jeea kaa dhaathaa ||1||

The Transcendent Lord is the Giver of souls. ||1||

suB icqvin dws qumwry ]

subh chithavan dhaas thumaarae ||

Your slaves, O Lord, focus on pure thoughts.

rwKih pYj dws Apuny kI kwrj Awip svwry ] rhwau ]

raakhehi paij dhaas apunae kee kaaraj aap savaarae || rehaao ||

You preserve the honor of Your slaves, and You Yourself arrange their affairs. ||Pause||

myrw pRBu praupkwrI ]

aucwrx pr-aupkwrI

maeraa prabh paroupakaaree ||

My God is so benevolent.

pUrn kl ijin DwrI ]

pooran kal jin dhhaaree ||

His Almighty Power is manifest.

nwnk srxI AwieAw ]

naanak saranee aaeiaa ||

Nanak has come to His Sanctuary.

mn icMidAw Plu pwieAw ]2]10]74]

man chindhiaa fal paaeiaa ||2||10||74||

He has obtained the fruits of his mind's desires. ||2||10||74||