mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
DMnu su vylw ijqu mY siqguru imilAw ]
dhhann s vaelaa jith mai sathigur miliaa ||
Blessed is that time when I meet the True Guru.
sPlu drsnu nyqR pyKq qirAw ]
safal dharasan naethr paekhath thariaa ||
Gazing upon the Fruitful Vision of His Darshan, I have been saved.
DMnu mUrq csy pl GVIAw Dµin su Eie sµjogw jIau ]1]
dhhann moorath chasae pal gharreeaa dhhann s oue sanjogaa jeeo ||1||
Blessed are the hours, the minutes and the seconds-blessed is that Union with Him. ||1||
audmu krq mnu inrmlu hoAw ]
oudham karath man niramal hoaa ||
Making the effort, my mind has become pure.
hir mwrig clq BRmu sglw KoieAw ]
aucwrx clq: polw bolo
har maarag chalath bhram sagalaa khoeiaa ||
Walking on the Lord's Path, my doubts have all been cast out.
nwmu inDwnu siqgurU suxwieAw imit gey sgly rogw jIau ]2]
naam nidhhaan sathiguroo sunaaeiaa mitt geae sagalae rogaa jeeo ||2||
The True Guru has inspired me to hear the Treasure of the Naam; all my illness has been dispelled. ||2||
AMqir bwhir qyrI bwxI ]
anthar baahar thaeree baanee ||
The Word of Your Bani is inside and outside as well.
quDu Awip kQI qY Awip vKwxI ]
thudhh aap kathhee thai aap vakhaanee ||
You Yourself chant it, and You Yourself speak it.
guir kihAw sBu eyko eyko Avru n koeI hoiegw jIau ]3]
gur kehiaa sabh eaeko eaeko avar n koee hoeigaa jeeo ||3||
The Guru has said that He is One-All is the One. There shall never be any other. ||3||
AMimRq rsu hir gur qy pIAw ]
anmrith ras har gur thae peeaa ||
I drink in the Lord's Ambrosial Essence from the Guru;
hir pYnxu nwmu Bojnu QIAw ]
har painan naam bhojan thheeaa ||
The Lord's Name has become my clothing and food.
nwim rMg nwim coj qmwsy nwau nwnk kIny Bogw jIau ]4]10]17]
naam rang naam choj thamaasae naao naanak keenae bhogaa jeeo ||4||10||17||
The Name is my delight, the Name is my play and entertainment. O Nanak, I have made the Name my enjoyment. ||4||10||17||