mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
sgl sMqn pih vsqu iek mWgau ]
sagal santhan pehi vasath eik maango ||
I beg of all the Saints: please, give me the merchandise.
krau ibnµqI mwnu iqAwgau ]
karo binanthee maan thiaago ||
I offer my prayers-I have forsaken my pride.
vwir vwir jweI lK vrIAw dyhu sMqn kI DUrw jIau ]1]
vaar vaar jaaee lakh vareeaa dhaehu santhan kee dhhooraa jeeo ||1||
I am a sacrifice, hundreds of thousands of times a sacrifice, and I pray: please, give me the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||1||
qum dwqy qum purK ibDwqy ]
thum dhaathae thum purakh bidhhaathae ||
You are the Giver, You are the Architect of Destiny.
qum smrQ sdw suKdwqy ]
thum samarathh sadhaa sukhadhaathae ||
You are All-powerful, the Giver of Eternal Peace.
sB ko qum hI qy vrswvY Aausru krhu hmwrw pUrw jIau ]2]
sabh ko thum hee thae varasaavai aousar karahu hamaaraa pooraa jeeo ||2||
You bless everyone. Please bring my life to fulfillment. ||2||
drsin qyrY Bvn punIqw ]
dharasan thaerai bhavan puneethaa ||
The body-temple is sanctified by the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan,
Awqm gVu ibKmu iqnw hI jIqw ]
aatham garr bikham thinaa hee jeethaa ||
And thus, the impregnable fort of the soul is conquered.
qum dwqy qum purK ibDwqy quDu jyvfu Avru n sUrw jIau ]3]
thum dhaathae thum purakh bidhhaathae thudhh jaevadd avar n sooraa jeeo ||3||
You are the Giver, You are the Architect of Destiny. There is no other warrior as great as You. ||3||
rynu sMqn kI myrY muiK lwgI ]
raen santhan kee maerai mukh laagee ||
I applied the dust of the feet of the Saints to my face.
durmiq ibnsI kubuiD ABwgI ]
aucwrx ku-buiD; A-BwgI
dhuramath binasee kubudhh abhaagee ||
My evil-mindedness disappeared, along with my misfortune and false-mindedness.
sc Gir bYis rhy gux gwey nwnk ibnsy kUrw jIau ]4]11]18]
sach ghar bais rehae gun gaaeae naanak binasae kooraa jeeo ||4||11||18||
I sit in the true home of my self; I sing His Glorious Praises. O Nanak, my falsehood has vanished! ||4||11||18||