SGGSAng 763Raag SuhiChhant Mahalla 126 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 1 Gru 1

aucwrx rwgu sUhI Cµq mh`lw pihlw Gru pihlw

raag soohee shhanth mehalaa 1 ghar 1

Raag Soohee, Chhant, First Mehl, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Bir jobin mY mq pyeIAVY Gir pwhuxI bil rwm jIau ]

aucwrx mY: ibMdI rihq bolo; m`q

bhar joban mai math paeeearrai ghar paahunee bal raam jeeo ||

Intoxicated with the wine of youth, I did not realize that I was only a guest at my parents' home (in this world.

mYlI Avgix iciq ibnu gur gux n smwvnI bil rwm jIau ]

mailee avagan chith bin gur gun n samaavanee bal raam jeeo ||

My consciousness is polluted with faults and mistakes; without the Guru, virtue does not even enter into me.

gux swr n jwxI Brim BulwxI jobnu bwid gvwieAw ]

gun saar n jaanee bharam bhulaanee joban baadh gavaaeiaa ||

I have not known the value of virtue; I have been deluded by doubt. I have wasted away my youth in vain.

vru Gru dru drsnu nhI jwqw ipr kw shju n BwieAw ]

var ghar dhar dharasan nehee jaathaa pir kaa sehaj n bhaaeiaa ||

I have not known my Husband Lord, His celestial home and gate, or the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. I have not had the pleasure of my Husband Lord's celestial peace.

siqgur pUiC n mwrig cwlI sUqI rYix ivhwxI ]

sathigur pooshh n maarag chaalee soothee rain vihaanee ||

After consulting the True Guru, I have not walked on the Path; the night of my life is passing away in sleep.

nwnk bwlqix rwfypw ibnu ipr Dn kumlwxI ]1]

aucwrx bwl`qix

naanak baalathan raaddaepaa bin pir dhhan kumalaanee ||1||

O Nanak, in the prime of my youth, I am a widow; without my Husband Lord, the soul-bride is wasting away. ||1||

bwbw mY vru dyih mY hir vru BwvY iqskI bil rwm jIau ]

baabaa mai var dhaehi mai har var bhaavai this kee bal raam jeeo ||

O father, give me in marriage to the Lord; I am pleased with Him as my Husband. I belong to Him.

riv rihAw jug cwir iqRBvx bwxI ijskI bil rwm jIau ]

rav rehiaa jug chaar thribhavan baanee jis kee bal raam jeeo ||

He is pervading throughout the four ages, and the Word of His Bani permeates the three worlds.

iqRBvx kMqu rvY sohwgix AvgxvµqI dUry ]

thribhavan kanth ravai sohaagan avaganavanthee dhoorae ||

The Husband Lord of the three worlds ravishes and enjoys His virtuous brides, but He keeps the ungraceful and unvirtuous ones far away.

jYsI Awsw qYsI mnsw pUir rihAw BrpUry ]

jaisee aasaa thaisee manasaa poor rehiaa bharapoorae ||

As are our hopes, so are our minds' desires, which the All-pervading Lord brings to fulfillment.

hir kI nwir su srb suhwgix rWf n mYlY vysy ]

har kee naar s sarab suhaagan raandd n mailai vaesae ||

The bride of the Lord is forever happy and virtuous; she shall never be a widow, and she shall never have to wear dirty clothes.

nwnk mY vru swcw BwvY juig juig pRIqm qYsy ]2]

naanak mai var saachaa bhaavai jug jug preetham thaisae ||2||

O Nanak, I love my True Husband Lord; my Beloved is the same, age after age. ||2||

bwbw lgnu gxwie hµ BI vM\w swhurY bil rwm jIau ]

aucwrx hµ BI: v`Kry krky bolo; vM\w: polw bolo

baabaa lagan ganaae han bhee vannjaa saahurai bal raam jeeo ||

O Baba, calculate that auspicious moment, when I too shall be going to my in-laws' house.

swhw hukmu rjwie so n tlY jo pRBu krY bil rwm jIau ]

aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo; tlY: polw bolo

saahaa hukam rajaae so n ttalai jo prabh karai bal raam jeeo ||

The moment of that marriage will be set by the Hukam of God's Command; His Will cannot be changed.

ikrqu pieAw krqY kir pwieAw myit n skY koeI ]

kirath paeiaa karathai kar paaeiaa maett n sakai koee ||

The karmic record of past deeds, written by the Creator Lord, cannot be erased by anyone.

jw\I nwau nrh inhkyvlu riv rihAw iqhu loeI ]

jaanjee naao nareh nihakaeval rav rehiaa thihu loee ||

The most respected member of the marriage party, my Husband, is the independent Lord of all beings, pervading and permeating the three worlds.

mwie inrwsI roie ivCuµnI bwlI bwlY hyqy ]

maae niraasee roe vishhunnee baalee baalai haethae ||

Maya, crying out in pain, leaves, seeing that the bride and the groom are in love.

nwnk swc sbid suK mhlI gur crxI pRBu cyqy ]3]

naanak saach sabadh sukh mehalee gur charanee prabh chaethae ||3||

O Nanak, the peace of the Mansion of God's Presence comes through the True Word of the Shabad; the bride keeps the Guru's Feet enshrined in her mind. ||3||

bwbuil idqVI dUir nw AwvY Gir pyeIAY bil rwm jIau ]

baabul dhitharree dhoor naa aavai ghar paeeeai bal raam jeeo ||

My father has given me in marriage far away, and I shall not return to my parents' home.

rhsI vyiK hdUir ipir rwvI Gir sohIAY bil rwm jIau ]

rehasee vaekh hadhoor pir raavee ghar soheeai bal raam jeeo ||

I am delighted to see my Husband Lord near at hand; in His Home, I am so beautiful.

swcy ipr loVI pRIqm joVI miq pUrI prDwny ]

aucwrx m`iq

saachae pir lorree preetham jorree math pooree paradhhaanae ||

My True Beloved Husband Lord desires me; He has joined me to Himself, and made my intellect pure and sublime.

sµjogI mylw Qwin suhylw guxvµqI gur igAwny ]

sanjogee maelaa thhaan suhaelaa gunavanthee gur giaanae ||

By good destiny I met Him, and was given a place of rest; through the Guru's Wisdom, I have become virtuous.

squ sµqoKu sdw scu plY scu bolY ipr Bwey ]

aucwrx p`lY

sath santhokh sadhaa sach palai sach bolai pir bhaaeae ||

I gather lasting Truth and contentment in my lap, and my Beloved is pleased with my truthful speech.

nwnk ivCuiV nw duKu pwey gurmiq AMik smwey ]4]1]

naanak vishhurr naa dhukh paaeae guramath ank samaaeae ||4||1||

O Nanak, I shall not suffer the pain of separation; through the Guru's Teachings, I merge into the loving embrace of the Lord's Being. ||4||1||