SGGSAng 764Raag SuhiChhant Mahalla 126 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 CMqu Gru 2

aucwrx rwgu sUhI mh`lw pihlw Cµq Gru dUjw

raag soohee mehalaa 1 shhanth ghar 2

Raag Soohee, First Mehl, Chhant, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hm Gir swjn Awey ]

ham ghar saajan aaeae ||

My friends have come into my home.

swcY myil imlwey ]

saachai mael milaaeae ||

The True Lord has united me with them.

shij imlwey hir min Bwey pMc imly suKu pwieAw ]

sehaj milaaeae har man bhaaeae panch milae sukh paaeiaa ||

The Lord automatically united me with them when it pleased Him; uniting with the chosen ones, I have found peace.

sweI vsqu prwpiq hoeI ijsu syqI mnu lwieAw ]

aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo

saaee vasath paraapath hoee jis saethee man laaeiaa ||

I have obtained that thing, which my mind desired.

Anidnu mylu BieAw mnu mwinAw Gr mMdr sohwey ]

anadhin mael bhaeiaa man maaniaa ghar mandhar sohaaeae ||

Meeting with them, night and day, my mind is pleased; my home and mansion are beautified.

pMc sbd Duin Anhd vwjy hm Gir swjn Awey ]1]

panch sabadh dhhun anehadh vaajae ham ghar saajan aaeae ||1||

The unstruck sound current of the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, vibrates and resounds; my friends have come into my home. ||1||

Awvhu mIq ipAwry ]

aavahu meeth piaarae ||

So come, my beloved friends,

mMgl gwvhu nwry ]

mangal gaavahu naarae ||

And sing the songs of joy, O sisters.

scu mMglu gwvhu qw pRB Bwvhu soihlVw jug cwry ]

sach mangal gaavahu thaa prabh bhaavahu sohilarraa jug chaarae ||

Sing the true songs of joy and God will be pleased. You shall be celebrated throughout the four ages.

ApnY Gir AwieAw Qwin suhwieAw kwrj sbid svwry ]

apanai ghar aaeiaa thhaan suhaaeiaa kaaraj sabadh savaarae ||

My Husband Lord has come into my home, and my place is adorned and decorated. Through the Shabad, my affairs have been resolved.

igAwn mhw rsu nyqRI AMjnu iqRBvx rUpu idKwieAw ]

giaan mehaa ras naethree anjan thribhavan roop dhikhaaeiaa ||

Applying the ointment, the supreme essence, of divine wisdom to my eyes, I see the Lord's form throughout the three worlds.

sKI imlhu ris mMglu gwvhu hm Gir swjnu AwieAw ]2]

sakhee milahu ras mangal gaavahu ham ghar saajan aaeiaa ||2||

So join with me, my sisters, and sing the songs of joy and delight; my friends have come into my home. ||2||

mnu qnu AMimRiq iBMnw ]

man than anmrith bhinnaa ||

My mind and body are drenched with Ambrosial Nectar;

AMqir pRymu rqµnw ]

anthar praem rathannaa ||

Deep within the nucleus of my self, is the jewel of the Lord's Love.

AMqir rqnu pdwrQu myrY prm qqu vIcwro ]

anthar rathan padhaarathh maerai param thath veechaaro ||

This invaluable jewel is deep within me; I contemplate the supreme essence of reality.

jµq ByK qU sPilE dwqw isir isir dyvxhwro ]

janth bhaekh thoo safaliou dhaathaa sir sir dhaevanehaaro ||

Living beings are mere beggars; You are the Giver of rewards; You are the Giver to each and every being.

qU jwnu igAwnI AMqrjwmI Awpy kwrxu kInw ]

thoo jaan giaanee antharajaamee aapae kaaran keenaa ||

You are Wise and All-knowing, the Inner-knower; You Yourself created the creation.

sunhu sKI mnu mohin moihAw qnu mnu AMimRiq BInw ]3]

sunahu sakhee man mohan mohiaa than man anmrith bheenaa ||3||

So listen, O my sisters - the Enticer has enticed my mind. My body and mind are drenched with Nectar. ||3||

Awqm rwmu sMswrw ]

aatham raam sansaaraa ||

O Supreme Soul of the World,

swcw Kylu qum@wrw ]

saachaa khael thumhaaraa ||

Your play is true.

scu Kylu qum@wrw Agm Apwrw quDu ibnu kauxu buJwey ]

aucwrx bu`Jwey

sach khael thumhaaraa agam apaaraa thudhh bin koun bujhaaeae ||

Your play is true, O Inaccessible and Infinite Lord; without You, who can make me understand?

isD swiDk isAwxy kyqy quJ ibnu kvxu khwey ]

aucwrx is`D

sidhh saadhhik siaanae kaethae thujh bin kavan kehaaeae ||

There are millions of Siddhas and enlightened seekers, but without You, who can call himself one?

kwlu ibkwlu Bey dyvwny mnu rwiKAw guir Twey ]

kaal bikaal bheae dhaevaanae man raakhiaa gur thaaeae ||

Death and rebirth drive the mind insane; only the Guru can hold it in its place.

nwnk Avgx sbid jlwey gux sµgim pRBu pwey ]4]1]2]

aucwrx jlwey: polw bolo

naanak avagan sabadh jalaaeae gun sangam prabh paaeae ||4||1||2||

O Nanak, one who burns away his demerits and faults with the Shabad, accumulates virtue, and finds God. ||4||1||2||