SGGSAng 474Raag AsaAsa Mahalla 1 Vaar Salokaa Naal3 linesGuru Angad Dev Ji

mhlw 2 ]

aucwrx mh`lw dUjw

mehalaa 2 ||

Second Mehl:

slwmu jbwbu dovY kry muMFhu GuQw jwie ]

salaam jabaab dhovai karae mundtahu ghuthhaa jaae ||

One who offers both respectful greetings and rude refusal to his master, has gone wrong from the very beginning.

nwnk dovY kUVIAw Qwie n kweI pwie ]2]

naanak dhovai koorreeaa thhaae n kaaee paae ||2||

O Nanak, both of his actions are false; he obtains no place in the Court of the Lord. ||2||