14: DRvwid skwm Bgq
The devotes live Dhruv et al.
DRU pRihlwdu BBIKxo AMbrIku bil jnk vKwxw ]
dhr prahilaadu bhabheekhano anbareeku bali janaku vakhaanaa.
Dhru, Prahlad, Vibhisan, Ambris, Bali, Janak are well known personalities.
rwj kuAwr hoie rwjsI Awsw bMDI coj ivfwxw ]
raaj kuaar hoi raajasee aasaa bandhee choj vidaanaa.
They all were princes, and hence the rajas game of hope and desire was always on them.
DRU mqryeI cMifAw pIau PiV pRihlwdu r\wxw ]
dhr matarayee chandiaa peeu dharhi prahilaadu raanaa.
Dhru was beaten up by his stepmother and Prahlad was caused to suffer by his father.
Byd BBIKxu lMk lY AMbrIku lY ckR luBwxw ]
bhaydu bhabheekhanu lak lai anbareeku lai chakr loubhaanaa.
Vibhisan got Lanka by divulging the secrets of home and Ambris became happy seeing the Sudarsan chakr, as his protector (to save Ambris from the curse of Durvasa, Visnu had sent his chakr).
pYru kVwhY jnk dw kir pwKMf Drm iD|wxw ]
pair karhaa hai janak daa kari paakhandu dharam dhitaanaa.
Janak by keeping one leg into the soft bedding and another into the boiling cauldron showed his power of hathayoga and let down the real dharma.
Awpu gxwie ivgucxw drgh pwey mwxu inmwxw ]
aapu gavaai vigouchanaa daragah paaay maanu nimaanaa.
The man who has eschewed his ego and has subsumed in the Lord is respected in the court of Lord.
gurmuiK suK Plu piq prvwxw ]14]
guramoukhi soukh phalu pati paravaanaa ||14||
Only Gurmukhs have attained the fruits of delight and only they are accepted (here and hereafter).