13: DrqI qy ibR`C
The earth and tree
pMj qq prvwxu kir Drmswl DrqI min BwxI ]
panj tat paravaanu kari dharam saal dhratee mani bhaanee.
As a result of the rational combination of five elements this lovely abode of dharma in the form of earth has been created.
pwxI AMdir Driq Dir DrqI AMdir DirAw pwxI ]
paanee andari dharati dhari dharatee andari dhariaa paanee.
The earth is placed in water and again in earth, water is placed.
isr qlvwey ruK hoie inhclu icq invwsu ibbwxI ]
sir talavaaay roukh hoi nihachalu chit nivaasu bibaanee.
Having their heads downward i.e. the trees rooted in earth grow on it and reside in the deep lone forests.
praupkwrI suPl Pil vt vgwie isriT vruswxI ]
paraoupakaaree suphal phali vat vagaai siratdi varasaanee.
These trees are also altruists which when stoned rain fruits for the creatures on earth.
cMdn vwsu vxwspq cMdnu hoie vwsu mihkwxI ]
chandan vaasu vanaasapati chandanu hoi vaasu mahikaanee.
The fragrance of sandal makes the whole vegetation fragrant.
sbd suriq ilv swDsMig gurmuiK suKPl AMimRqvwxI ]
sabad surati liv saadhasangi guramoukhi soukh phal anmrit vaanee.
In the holy company of Gurmukhs the consciousness is merged into Word and man attains the fruits of delight through the ambrosial speech.
Aibgiq giq Aiq AkQ khwxI ]13]
abigati gati ati akad kahaanee ||13||
Ineffable is the story of the unmanifest Lord; His dynamism is unknowable.