Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
qwl mdIry Gt ky Gwt ]
thaal madheerae ghatt kae ghaatt ||
The urges of the heart are like cymbals and ankle-bells;
dolk dunIAw vwjih vwj ]
dholak dhuneeaa vaajehi vaaj ||
The drum of the world resounds with the beat.
nwrdu nwcY kil kw Bwau ]
naaradh naachai kal kaa bhaao ||
Naarad dances to the tune of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga;
jqI sqI kh rwKih pwau ]1]
aucwrx jqI: polw bolo; sqI: polw bolo
jathee sathee keh raakhehi paao ||1||
Where can the celibates and the men of truth place their feet? ||1||
nwnk nwm ivthu kurbwxu ]
naanak naam vittahu kurabaan ||
Nanak is a sacrifice to the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
AMDI dunIAw swihbu jwxu ]1] rhwau ]
andhhee dhuneeaa saahib jaan ||1|| rehaao ||
The world is blind; our Lord and Master is All-seeing. ||1||Pause||
gurU pwshu iPir cylw Kwie ]
guroo paasahu fir chaelaa khaae ||
The disciple feeds on the Guru;
qwim prIiq vsY Gir Awie ]
thaam pareeth vasai ghar aae ||
Out of love for bread, he comes to dwell in his home.
jy sau virHAw jIvx Kwxu ]
aucwrx virHAw: 'r' nUµ Bwrw krky
jae so varihaaa jeevan khaan ||
If one were to live and eat for hundreds of years,
Ksm pCwxY so idnu prvwxu ]2]
khasam pashhaanai so dhin paravaan ||2||
That day alone would be auspicious, when he recognizes his Lord and Master. ||2||
drsin dyiKAY dieAw n hoie ]
dharasan dhaekhiai dhaeiaa n hoe ||
Beholding the sight of the petitioner, compassion is not aroused.
ley idqy ivxu rhY n koie ]
aucwrx id`qy
leae dhithae vin rehai n koe ||
No one lives without give and take.
rwjw inAwau kry hiQ hoie ]
raajaa niaao karae hathh hoe ||
The king administers justice only if his palm is greased.
khY Kudwie n mwnY koie ]3]
kehai khudhaae n maanai koe ||3||
No one is moved by the Name of God. ||3||
mwxs mUriq nwnku nwmu ]
maanas moorath naanak naam ||
O Nanak, they are human beings in form and name only;
krxI kuqw dir Purmwnu ]
aucwrx ku`qw
karanee kuthaa dhar furamaan ||
By their deeds they are dogs - this is the Command of the Lord's Court.
gurprswid jwxY imhmwnu ]
gur parasaadh jaanai mihamaan ||
By Guru's Grace, if one sees himself as a guest in this world,
qw ikCu drgh pwvY mwnu ]4]4]
thaa kishh dharageh paavai maan ||4||4||
Then he gains honor in the Court of the Lord. ||4||4||