SGGSAng 349Raag AsaMahalla 115 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

jy dir mWgqu kUk kry mhlI Ksmu suxy ]

jae dhar maangath kook karae mehalee khasam sunae ||

If a beggar cries out at the door, the Master hears it in His Mansion.

BwvY DIrk BwvY Dky eyk vfweI dyie ]1]

aucwrx D`ky

bhaavai dhheerak bhaavai dhhakae eaek vaddaaee dhaee ||1||

Whether He receives him or pushes him away, it is the Gift of the Lord's Greatness. ||1||

jwxhu joiq n pUChu jwqI AwgY jwiq n hy ]1] rhwau ]

jaanahu joth n pooshhahu jaathee aagai jaath n hae ||1|| rehaao ||

Recognize the Lord's Light within all, and do not consider social class or status; there are no classes or castes in the world hereafter. ||1||Pause||

Awip krwey Awip kryie ]

aap karaaeae aap karaee ||

He Himself acts, and He Himself inspires us to act.

Awip aulwm@y iciq Dryie ]

aap oulaamhae chith dhharaee ||

He Himself considers our complaints.

jw qUµ krxhwru krqwru ]

jaa thoon karanehaar karathaar ||

Since You, O Creator Lord, are the Doer,

ikAw muhqwjI ikAw sMswru ]2]

aucwrx muh-qwjI

kiaa muhathaajee kiaa sansaar ||2||

Why should I submit to the world? ||2||

Awip aupwey Awpy dyie ]

aap oupaaeae aapae dhaee ||

You Yourself created and You Yourself give.

Awpy durmiq mnih kryie ]

aucwrx mnih: QoVw ks ky

aapae dhuramath manehi karaee ||

You Yourself eliminate evil-mindedness;

gurprswid vsY min Awie ]

gur parasaadh vasai man aae ||

By Guru's Grace, You come to abide in our minds,

duKu An@yrw ivchu jwie ]3]

dhukh anhaeraa vichahu jaae ||3||

And then, pain and darkness are dispelled from within. ||3||

swcu ipAwrw Awip kryie ]

saach piaaraa aap karaee ||

He Himself infuses love for the Truth.

AvrI kau swcu n dyie ]

avaree ko saach n dhaee ||

Unto others, the Truth is not bestowed.

jy iksY dyie vKwxY nwnku AwgY pUC n lyie ]4]3]

jae kisai dhaee vakhaanai naanak aagai pooshh n laee ||4||3||

If He bestows it upon someone, says Nanak, then, in the world hereafter, that person is not called to account. ||4||3||