so pMifqu jo mnu prboDY ]
so panddith jo man parabodhhai ||
He is a true Pandit, a religious scholar, who instructs his own mind.
rwm nwmu Awqm mih soDY ]
raam naam aatham mehi sodhhai ||
He searches for the Lord's Name within his own soul.
rwm nwm swru rsu pIvY ]
raam naam saar ras peevai ||
He drinks in the Exquisite Nectar of the Lord's Name.
ausu pMifq kY aupdyis jgu jIvY ]
ous panddith kai oupadhaes jag jeevai ||
By that Pandit's teachings, the world lives.
hir kI kQw ihrdY bswvY ]
har kee kathhaa hiradhai basaavai ||
He implants the Sermon of the Lord in his heart.
so pMifqu iPir join n AwvY ]
so panddith fir jon n aavai ||
Such a Pandit is not cast into the womb of reincarnation again.
byd purwn isimRiq bUJY mUl ]
aucwrx bU`JY
baedh puraan simrith boojhai mool ||
He understands the fundamental essence of the Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees.
sUKm mih jwnY AsQUlu ]
sookham mehi jaanai asathhool ||
In the unmanifest, he sees the manifest world to exist.
chu vrnw kau dy aupdysu ]
chahu varanaa ko dhae oupadhaes ||
He gives instruction to people of all castes and social classes.
nwnk ausu pMifq kau sdw Adysu ]4]
naanak ous panddith ko sadhaa adhaes ||4||
O Nanak, to such a Pandit, I bow in salutation forever. ||4||