BgauqI Bgvµq Bgiq kw rMgu ]
bhagouthee bhagavanth bhagath kaa rang ||
The true Bhagaautee, the devotee of Adi Shakti, loves the devotional worship of God.
sgl iqAwgY dust kw sMgu ]
sagal thiaagai dhusatt kaa sang ||
He forsakes the company of all wicked people.
mn qy ibnsY sglw Brmu ]
man thae binasai sagalaa bharam ||
All doubts are removed from his mind.
kir pUjY sgl pwrbRhmu ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
kar poojai sagal paarabreham ||
He performs devotional service to the Supreme Lord God in all.
swDsµig pwpw mlu KovY ]
saadhhasang paapaa mal khovai ||
In the Company of the Holy, the filth of sin is washed away.
iqsu BgauqI kI miq aUqm hovY ]
aucwrx m`iq
this bhagouthee kee math ootham hovai ||
The wisdom of such a Bhagaautee becomes supreme.
Bgvµq kI thl krY inq nIiq ]
bhagavanth kee ttehal karai nith neeth ||
He constantly performs the service of the Supreme Lord God.
mnu qnu ArpY ibsn prIiq ]
man than arapai bisan pareeth ||
He dedicates his mind and body to the Love of God.
hir ky crn ihrdY bswvY ]
har kae charan hiradhai basaavai ||
The Lotus Feet of the Lord abide in his heart.
nwnk AYsw BgauqI Bgvµq kau pwvY ]3]
naanak aisaa bhagouthee bhagavanth ko paavai ||3||
O Nanak, such a Bhagaautee attains the Lord God. ||3||