SGGSAng 766Raag SuhiChhant Mahalla 155 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

sUhI mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx sUhI mh`lw pihlw

soohee mehalaa 1 ||

Soohee, First Mehl:

myrw mnu rwqw gux rvY min BwvY soeI ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

maeraa man raathaa gun ravai man bhaavai soee ||

My mind is imbued with His Glorious Praises; I chant them, and He is pleasing to my mind.

gur kI pauVI swc kI swcw suKu hoeI ]

gur kee pourree saach kee saachaa sukh hoee ||

Truth is the ladder to the Guru; climbing up to the True Lord, peace is obtained.

suiK shij AwvY swc BwvY swc kI miq ikau tlY ]

aucwrx m`iq; tlY: polw bolo

sukh sehaj aavai saach bhaavai saach kee math kio ttalai ||

Celestial peace comes; the Truth pleases me. How could these True Teachings ever be erased?

iesnwnu dwnu suigAwnu mjnu Awip ACilE ikau ClY ]

aucwrx m`jnu; A-CilE

eisanaan dhaan sugiaan majan aap ashhaliou kio shhalai ||

He Himself is Undeceivable; how could He ever be deceived by cleansing baths, charity, spiritual wisdom or ritual bathings?

prpMc moh ibkwr Qwky kUVu kptu n doeI ]

aucwrx kptu: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`tu)

parapanch moh bikaar thhaakae koorr kapatt n dhoee ||

Fraud, attachment and corruption are taken away, as are falsehood, hypocrisy and duality.

myrw mnu rwqw gux rvY min BwvY soeI ]1]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

maeraa man raathaa gun ravai man bhaavai soee ||1||

My mind is imbued with His Glorious Praises; I chant them, and He is pleasing to my mind. ||1||

swihbu so swlwhIAY ijin kwrxu kIAw ]

saahib so saalaaheeai jin kaaran keeaa ||

So praise your Lord and Master, who created the creation.

mYlu lwgI min mYilAY iknY AMimRqu pIAw ]

mail laagee man mailiai kinai anmrith peeaa ||

Filth sticks to the polluted mind; how rare are those who drink in the Ambrosial Nectar.

miQ AMimRqu pIAw iehu mnu dIAw gur pih molu krwieAw ]

mathh anmrith peeaa eihu man dheeaa gur pehi mol karaaeiaa ||

Churn this Ambrosial Nectar, and drink it in; dedicate this mind to the Guru, and He will value it highly.

AwpnVw pRBu shij pCwqw jw mnu swcY lwieAw ]

aapanarraa prabh sehaj pashhaathaa jaa man saachai laaeiaa ||

I intuitively realized my God, when I linked my mind to the True Lord.

iqsu nwil gux gwvw jy iqsu Bwvw ikau imlY hoie prwieAw ]

this naal gun gaavaa jae this bhaavaa kio milai hoe paraaeiaa ||

I will sing the Lord's Glorious Praises with Him, if it pleases Him; how could I meet Him by being a stranger to Him?

swihbu so swlwhIAY ijin jgqu aupwieAw ]2]

saahib so saalaaheeai jin jagath oupaaeiaa ||2||

So praise your Lord and Master, who created the creation. ||2||

Awie gieAw kI n AwieE ikau AwvY jwqw ]

aae gaeiaa kee n aaeiou kio aavai jaathaa ||

When He comes, what else remains behind? How can there be any coming or going then?

pRIqm isau mnu mwinAw hir syqI rwqw ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

preetham sio man maaniaa har saethee raathaa ||

When the mind is reconciled with its Beloved Lord, it is blended with Him.

swihb rµig rwqw sc kI bwqw ijin ibMb kw kotu auswirAw ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

saahib rang raathaa sach kee baathaa jin binb kaa kott ousaariaa ||

True is the speech of one who is imbued with the Love of his Lord and Master, who fashioned the body fortress from a mere bubble.

pMcBU nwieko Awip isrµdw ijin sc kw ipMfu svwirAw ]

aucwrx pMc-BU: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

panch bhoo naaeiko aap sirandhaa jin sach kaa pindd savaariaa ||

He is the Master of the five elements; He Himself is the Creator Lord. He embellished the body with Truth.

hm AvgixAwry qU suix ipAwry quDu BwvY scu soeI ]

ham avaganiaarae thoo sun piaarae thudhh bhaavai sach soee ||

I am worthless; please hear me, O my Beloved! Whatever pleases You is True.

Awvx jwxw nw QIAY swcI miq hoeI ]3]

aucwrx m`iq

aavan jaanaa naa thheeai saachee math hoee ||3||

One who is blessed with true understanding, does not come and go. ||3||

AMjnu qYsw AMjIAY jYsw ipr BwvY ]

anjan thaisaa anjeeai jaisaa pir bhaavai ||

Apply such an ointment to your eyes, which is pleasing to your Beloved.

smJY sUJY jwxIAY jy Awip jwxwvY ]

samajhai soojhai jaaneeai jae aap jaanaavai ||

I realize, understand and know Him, only if He Himself causes me to know Him.

Awip jwxwvY mwrig pwvY Awpy mnUAw lyvey ]

aap jaanaavai maarag paavai aapae manooaa laeveae ||

He Himself shows me the Way, and He Himself leads me to it, attracting my mind.

krm sukrm krwey Awpy kImiq kaux AByvey ]

aucwrx A-Byvey

karam sukaram karaaeae aapae keemath koun abhaeveae ||

He Himself causes us to do good and bad deeds; who can know the value of the Mysterious Lord?

qMqu mMqu pwKMfu n jwxw rwmu irdY mnu mwinAw ]

thanth manth paakhandd n jaanaa raam ridhai man maaniaa ||

I know nothing of Tantric spells, magical mantras and hypocritical rituals; enshrining the Lord within my heart, my mind is satisfied.

AMjnu nwmu iqsY qy sUJY gur sbdI scu jwinAw ]4]

anjan naam thisai thae soojhai gur sabadhee sach jaaniaa ||4||

The ointment of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is only understood by one who realizes the Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||4||

swjn hovin Awpxy ikau pr Gr jwhI ]

saajan hovan aapanae kio par ghar jaahee ||

I have my own friends; why should I go to the home of a stranger?

swjn rwqy sc ky sMgy mn mwhI ]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

saajan raathae sach kae sangae man maahee ||

My friends are imbued with the True Lord; He is with them, in their minds.

mn mwih swjn krih rlIAw krm Drm sbwieAw ]

man maahi saajan karehi raleeaa karam dhharam sabaaeiaa ||

In their minds, these friends celebrate in happiness; all good karma, righteousness and Dharma,

ATsiT qIrQ puMn pUjw nwmu swcw BwieAw ]

athasath theerathh punn poojaa naam saachaa bhaaeiaa ||

The sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage, charity and worship, are found in the love of the True Name.

Awip swjy Qwip vyKY iqsY Bwxw BwieAw ]

aap saajae thhaap vaekhai thisai bhaanaa bhaaeiaa ||

He Himself creates, establishes and beholds all, by the Pleasure of His Will.

swjn rWig rMgIlVy rMgu lwlu bxwieAw ]5]

saajan raang rangeelarrae rang laal banaaeiaa ||5||

My friends are happy in the Love of the Lord; they nurture love for their Beloved. ||5||

AMDw AwgU jy QIAY ikau pwDru jwxY ]

andhhaa aagoo jae thheeai kio paadhhar jaanai ||

If a blind man is made the leader, how will he know the way?

Awip musY miq hoCIAY ikau rwhu pCwxY ]

aucwrx m`iq

aap musai math hoshheeai kio raahu pashhaanai ||

He is impaired, and his understanding is inadequate; how will he know the way?

ikau rwih jwvY mhlu pwvY AMD kI miq AMDlI ]

aucwrx m`iq

kio raahi jaavai mehal paavai andhh kee math andhhalee ||

How can he follow the path and reach the Mansion of the Lord's Presence? Blind is the understanding of the blind.

ivxu nwm hir ky kCu n sUJY AMDu bUfO DMDlI ]

vin naam har kae kashh n soojhai andhh boodda dhhandhhalee ||

Without the Lord's Name, they cannot see anything; the blind are drowned in worldly entanglements.

idnu rwiq cwnxu cwau aupjY sbdu gur kw min vsY ]

dhin raath chaanan chaao oupajai sabadh gur kaa man vasai ||

Day and night, the Divine Light shines forth and joy wells up, when the Word of the Guru's Shabad abides in the mind.

kr joiV gur pih kir ibnµqI rwhu pwDru guru dsY ]6]

aucwrx d`sY

kar jorr gur pehi kar binanthee raahu paadhhar gur dhasai ||6||

With your palms pressed together, pray to the Guru to show you the way. ||6||

mnu prdysI jy QIAY sBu dysu prwieAw ]

man paradhaesee jae thheeai sabh dhaes paraaeiaa ||

If the man becomes a stranger to God, then all the world becomes a stranger to him.

iksu pih Kol@au gµTVI dUKI Bir AwieAw ]

kis pehi kholho gantharree dhookhee bhar aaeiaa ||

Unto whom should I tie up and give the bundle of my pains?

dUKI Bir AwieAw jgqu sbwieAw kauxu jwxY ibiD myrIAw ]

dhookhee bhar aaeiaa jagath sabaaeiaa koun jaanai bidhh maereeaa ||

The whole world is overflowing with pain and suffering; who can know the state of my inner self?

Awvxy jwvxy Kry frwvxy qoit n AwvY PyrIAw ]

aavanae jaavanae kharae ddaraavanae thott n aavai faereeaa ||

Comings and goings are terrible and dreadful; there is no end to the rounds of reincarnation.

nwm ivhUxy aUxy JUxy nw guir sbdu suxwieAw ]

naam vihoonae oonae jhoonae naa gur sabadh sunaaeiaa ||

Without the Naam, he is vacant and sad; he does not listen to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

mnu prdysI jy QIAY sBu dysu prwieAw ]7]

man paradhaesee jae thheeai sabh dhaes paraaeiaa ||7||

If the mind becomes a stranger to God, then all the world becomes a stranger to him. ||7||

gur mhlI Gir AwpxY so Brpuir lIxw ]

gur mehalee ghar aapanai so bharapur leenaa ||

One who finds the Guru's Mansion within the home of his own being, merges in the All-pervading Lord.

syvku syvw qW kry sc sbid pqIxw ]

saevak saevaa thaan karae sach sabadh patheenaa ||

The sevadar performs selfless service when he is pleased, and confirmed in the True Word of the Shabad.

sbdy pqIjY AMku BIjY su mhlu mhlw AMqry ]

sabadhae patheejai ank bheejai s mehal mehalaa antharae ||

Confirmed in the Shabad, with her being softened by devotion, the bride dwells in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, deep within her being.

Awip krqw kry soeI pRBu Awip AMiq inrµqry ]

aap karathaa karae soee prabh aap anth nirantharae ||

The Creator Himself creates; God Himself, in the end, is endless.

gur sbid mylw qW suhylw bwjµq Anhd bIxw ]

gur sabadh maelaa thaan suhaelaa baajanth anehadh beenaa ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mortal is united, and then embellished; the unstruck melody of the sound current resounds.

gur mhlI Gir AwpxY so Birpuir lIxw ]8]

gur mehalee ghar aapanai so bharipur leenaa ||8||

One who finds the Guru's Mansion within the home of his own being, merges in the All-pervading Lord. ||8||

kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kir vyKY soeI ]

keethaa kiaa saalaaheeai kar vaekhai soee ||

Why praise that which is created? Praise instead the One who created it and watches over it.

qw kI kImiq n pvY jy locY koeI ]

thaa kee keemath n pavai jae lochai koee ||

His value cannot be estimated, no matter how much one may wish.

kImiq so pwvY Awip jwxwvY Awip ABulu n Buley ]

aucwrx A-Bulu

keemath so paavai aap jaanaavai aap abhul n bhuleae ||

He alone can estimate the Lord's value, whom the Lord Himself causes to know. He is not mistaken; He does not make mistakes.

jY jY kwru krih quDu Bwvih gur kY sbid Amuley ]

jai jai kaar karehi thudhh bhaavehi gur kai sabadh amuleae ||

He alone celebrates victory, who is pleasing to You, through the Invaluable Word of the Guru's Shabad.

hIxau nIcu krau bynµqI swcu n Cofau BweI ]

heeno neech karo baenanthee saach n shhoddo bhaaee ||

I am lowly and abject - I offer my prayer; may I never forsake the True Name, O Sibling of Destiny.

nwnk ijin kir dyiKAw dyvY miq sweI ]9]2]5]

aucwrx m`iq; sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo

naanak jin kar dhaekhiaa dhaevai math saaee ||9||2||5||

O Nanak, the One who created the creation, watches over it; He alone bestows understanding. ||9||2||5||