<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
rwgu sUhI CMq mhlw 1 Gru 4 ]
aucwrx rwgu sUhI Cµq mh`lw pihlw Gru cauQw
raag soohee shhanth mehalaa 1 ghar 4 ||
Raag Soohee, Chhant, First Mehl, Fourth House:
ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw jgu DMDVY lwieAw ]
jin keeaa thin dhaekhiaa jag dhhandhharrai laaeiaa ||
The One who created the world, watches over it; He enjoins the people of the world to their tasks.
dwin qyrY Git cwnxw qin cMdu dIpwieAw ]
dhaan thaerai ghatt chaananaa than chandh dheepaaeiaa ||
Your gifts, O Lord, illuminate the heart, and the moon casts its light on the body.
cµdo dIpwieAw dwin hir kY duKu AMDyrw auiT gieAw ]
chandho dheepaaeiaa dhaan har kai dhukh andhhaeraa outh gaeiaa ||
The moon glows, by the Lord's gift, and the darkness of suffering is taken away.
gux jM\ lwVy nwil sohY priK mohxIAY lieAw ]
aucwrx lwVy: polw bolo
gun jannj laarrae naal sohai parakh mohaneeai laeiaa ||
The marriage party of virtue looks beautiful with the Groom; He chooses His enticing bride with care.
vIvwhu hoAw soB syqI pMc sbdI AwieAw ]
veevaahu hoaa sobh saethee panch sabadhee aaeiaa ||
The wedding is performed with glorious splendor; He has arrived, accompanied by the vibrations of the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds.
ijin kIAw iqin dyiKAw jgu DMDVY lwieAw ]1]
jin keeaa thin dhaekhiaa jag dhhandhharrai laaeiaa ||1||
The One who created the world, watches over it; He enjoins the people of the world to their tasks. ||1||
hau bilhwrI swjnw mIqw AvrIqW ]
aucwrx Av-rIqW
ho balihaaree saajanaa meethaa avareethaa ||
I am a sacrifice to my pure friends, the immaculate Saints.
iehu qnu ijn isau gwifAw mnu lIAVw dIqw ]
eihu than jin sio gaaddiaa man leearraa dheethaa ||
This body is attached to them, and we have shared our minds.
lIAw q dIAw mwnu ijn@ isau sy sjn ikau vIsrih ]
leeaa th dheeaa maan jinh sio sae sajan kio veesarehi ||
We have shared our minds - how could I forget those friends?
ijn@ idisAwieAw hoih rlIAw jIA syqI gih rhih ]
aucwrx idis-AwieAw
jinh dhis aaeiaa hohi raleeaa jeea saethee gehi rehehi ||
Seeing them brings joy to my heart; I keep them clasped to my soul.
sgl gux Avgxu n koeI hoih nIqw nIqw ]
sagal gun avagan n koee hohi neethaa neethaa ||
They have all virtues and merits, forever and ever; they have no demerits or faults at all.
hau bilhwrI swjnw mIqw AvrIqw ]2]
aucwrx Av-rIqw
ho balihaaree saajanaa meethaa avareethaa ||2||
I am a sacrifice to my pure friends, the immaculate Saints. ||2||
guxw kw hovY vwsulw kiF vwsu leIjY ]
gunaa kaa hovai vaasulaa kadt vaas leejai ||
One who has a basket of fragrant virtues, should enjoy its fragrance.
jy gux hovin swjnw imil swJ krIjY ]
jae gun hovanih saajanaa mil saajh kareejai ||
If my friends have virtues, I will share in them.
swJ krIjY guxh kyrI Coif Avgx clIAY ]
saajh kareejai guneh kaeree shhodd avagan chaleeai ||
Let us form a partnership, and share our virtues; let us abandon our faults, and walk on the Path.
pihry ptµbr kir Afµbr Awpxw ipVu mlIAY ]
aucwrx p-tµbr; m`lIAY
pehirae pattanbar kar addanbar aapanaa pirr maleeai ||
Let us wear our virtues like silk clothes; let us decorate ourselves, and enter the arena.
ijQY jwie bhIAY Blw khIAY Joil AMimRqu pIjY ]
jithhai jaae beheeai bhalaa keheeai jhol anmrith peejai ||
Let us speak of goodness, wherever we go and sit; let us skim off the Ambrosial Nectar, and drink it in.
guxw kw hovY vwsulw kiF vwsu leIjY ]3]
gunaa kaa hovai vaasulaa kadt vaas leejai ||3||
One who has a basket of fragrant virtues, should enjoy its fragrance. ||3||
Awip kry iksu AwKIAY horu kry n koeI ]
aap karae kis aakheeai hor karae n koee ||
He Himself acts; unto whom should we complain? No one else does anything.
AwKx qw kau jweIAY jy BUlVw hoeI ]
aakhan thaa ko jaaeeai jae bhoolarraa hoee ||
Go ahead and complain to Him, if He makes a mistake.
jy hoie BUlw jwie khIAY Awip krqw ikau BulY ]
jae hoe bhoolaa jaae keheeai aap karathaa kio bhulai ||
If He makes a mistake, go ahead and complain to Him; but how can the Creator Himself make a mistake?
suxy dyKy bwJu kihAY dwnu AxmMigAw idvY ]
sunae dhaekhae baajh kehiai dhaan anamangiaa dhivai ||
He sees, He hears, and without our asking, without our begging, He gives His gifts.
dwnu dyie dwqw jig ibDwqw nwnkw scu soeI ]
dhaan dhaee dhaathaa jag bidhhaathaa naanakaa sach soee ||
The Great Giver, the Architect of the Universe, gives His gifts. O Nanak, He is the True Lord.
Awip kry iksu AwKIAY horu kry n koeI ]4]1]4]
aap karae kis aakheeai hor karae n koee ||4||1||4||
He Himself acts; unto whom should we complain? No one else does anything. ||4||1||4||