pauVI ]
pourree ||
qqw qw isau pRIiq kir gux iniD goibd rwie ]
aucwrx in`iD
thathaa thaa sio preeth kar gun nidhh gobidh raae ||
TATTA: Embrace love for the Treasure of Excellence, the Sovereign Lord of the Universe.
Pl pwvih mn bwCqy qpiq quhwrI jwie ]
fal paavehi man baashhathae thapath thuhaaree jaae ||
You shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires, and your burning thirst shall be quenched.
qRws imtY jm pMQ kI jwsu bsY min nwau ]
thraas mittai jam panthh kee jaas basai man naao ||
One whose heart is filled with the Name shall have no fear on the path of death.
giq pwvih miq hoie pRgws mhlI pwvih Twau ]
aucwrx m`iq
gath paavehi math hoe pragaas mehalee paavehi thaao ||
He shall obtain salvation, and his intellect shall be enlightened; he will find his place in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.
qwhU sµig n Dnu clY igRh jobn nh rwj ]
aucwrx c`lY
thaahoo sang n dhhan chalai grih joban neh raaj ||
Neither wealth, nor household, nor youth, nor power shall go along with you.
sµqsµig ismrq rhhu iehY quhwrY kwj ]
santhasang simarath rehahu eihai thuhaarai kaaj ||
In the Society of the Saints, meditate in remembrance on the Lord. This alone shall be of use to you.
qwqw kCU n hoeI hY jau qwp invwrY Awp ]
aucwrx q`wqw
thaathaa kashhoo n hoee hai jo thaap nivaarai aap ||
There will be no burning at all, when He Himself takes away your fever.
pRiqpwlY nwnk hmih Awpih mweI bwp ]32]
aucwrx pRiq-pwlY: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo
prathipaalai naanak hamehi aapehi maaee baap ||32||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself cherishes us; He is our Mother and Father. ||32||