SGGSAng 257Raag GauriBavan Akhari Mahalla 53 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

sloku ]

salok ||


Qwky bhu ibiD Gwlqy iqRpiq n iqRsnw lwQ ]

thhaakae bahu bidhh ghaalathae thripath n thrisanaa laathh ||

They have grown weary, struggling in all sorts of ways; but they are not satisfied, and their thirst is not quenched.

sµic sµic swkq mUey nwnk mwieAw n swQ ]1]

sanch sanch saakath mooeae naanak maaeiaa n saathh ||1||

Gathering in and hoarding what they can, the faithless cynics die, O Nanak, but the wealth of Maya does not go with them in the end. ||1||