SGGSAng 430Raag AsaMahalla 520 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 2

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw Ast-pdIAw Gru dUjw

aasaa mehalaa 5 asattapadheeaa ghar 2

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pMc mnwey pMc ruswey ]

panch manaaeae panch rusaaeae ||

When the five virtues were reconciled, and the five passions were estranged,

pMc vswey pMc gvwey ]1]

panch vasaaeae panch gavaaeae ||1||

I enshrined the five within myself, and cast out the other five. ||1||

ien@ ibiD ngru vuTw myry BweI ]

einh bidhh nagar vuthaa maerae bhaaee ||

In this way, the village of my body became inhabited, O my Siblings of Destiny.

durqu gieAw guir igAwnu idRVweI ]1] rhwau ]

dhurath gaeiaa gur giaan dhrirraaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Vice departed, and the Guru's spiritual wisdom was implanted within me. ||1||Pause||

swc Drm kI kir dInI vwir ]

saach dhharam kee kar dheenee vaar ||

The fence of true Dharmic religion has been built around it.

Prhy muhkm gur igAwnu bIcwir ]2]

aucwrx muh-km

farehae muhakam gur giaan beechaar ||2||

The spiritual wisdom and reflective meditation of the Guru has become its strong gate. ||2||

nwmu KyqI bIjhu BweI mIq ]

naam khaethee beejahu bhaaee meeth ||

So plant the seed of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O friends, O Siblings of Destiny.

saudw krhu guru syvhu nIq ]3]

aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)

soudhaa karahu gur saevahu neeth ||3||

Deal only in the constant service of the Guru. ||3||

sWiq shj suK ky siB hwt ]

saanth sehaj sukh kae sabh haatt ||

With intuitive peace and happiness, all the shops are filled.

swh vwpwrI eykY Qwt ]4]

saah vaapaaree eaekai thhaatt ||4||

The Banker and the dealers dwell in the same place. ||4||

jyjIAw fMnu ko ley n jgwiq ]

jaejeeaa ddann ko leae n jagaath ||

There is no tax on non-believers, nor any fines or taxes at death.

siqguir kir dInI Dur kI Cwp ]5]

sathigur kar dheenee dhhur kee shhaap ||5||

The True Guru has set the Seal of the Primal Lord upon these goods. ||5||

vKru nwmu lid Kyp clwvhu ]

vakhar naam ladh khaep chalaavahu ||

So load the merchandise of the Naam, and set sail with your cargo.

lY lwhw gurmuiK Gir Awvhu ]6]

lai laahaa guramukh ghar aavahu ||6||

Earn your profit, as Gurmukh, and you shall return to your own home. ||6||

siqguru swhu isK vxjwry ]

sathigur saahu sikh vanajaarae ||

The True Guru is the Banker, and His Sikhs are the traders.

pUMjI nwmu lyKw swcu sm@wry ]7]

poonjee naam laekhaa saach samhaarae ||7||

Their merchandise is the Naam, and meditation on the True Lord is their account. ||7||

so vsY iequ Gir ijsu guru pUrw syv ]

so vasai eith ghar jis gur pooraa saev ||

One who serves the True Guru dwells in this house.

Aibcl ngrI nwnk dyv ]8]1]

abichal nagaree naanak dhaev ||8||1||

O Nanak, the Divine City is eternal. ||8||1||