SGGSAng 430Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

An rs mih BolwieAw ibnu nwmY duK pwie ]

an ras mehi bholaaeiaa bin naamai dhukh paae ||

He wanders around, engrossed in other pleasures, but without the Naam, he suffers in pain.

siqguru purKu n ByitE ij scI bUJ buJwie ]1]

aucwrx bU`J; bu`Jwie

sathigur purakh n bhaettiou j sachee boojh bujhaae ||1||

He does not meet the True Guru, the Primal Being, who imparts true understanding. ||1||

ey mn myry bwvly hir rsu ciK swdu pwie ]

aucwrx c`iK

eae man maerae baavalae har ras chakh saadh paae ||

O my insane mind, drink in the sublime essence of the Lord, and savor its taste.

An ris lwgw qUµ iPrih ibrQw jnmu gvwie ]1] rhwau ]

an ras laagaa thoon firehi birathhaa janam gavaae ||1|| rehaao ||

Attached to other pleasures, you wander around, and your life wastes away uselessly. ||1||Pause||

iesu jug mih gurmuK inrmly sic nwim rhih ilv lwie ]

eis jug mehi guramukh niramalae sach naam rehehi liv laae ||

In this age, the Gurmukhs are pure; they remain absorbed in the love of the True Name.

ivxu krmw ikCu pweIAY nhI ikAw kir kihAw jwie ]2]

vin karamaa kishh paaeeai nehee kiaa kar kehiaa jaae ||2||

Without the destiny of good karma, nothing can be obtained; what can we say or do? ||2||

Awpu pCwxih sbid mrih mnhu qij ivkwr ]

aap pashhaanehi sabadh marehi manahu thaj vikaar ||

He understands his own self, and dies in the Word of the Shabad; he banishes corruption from his mind.

gur srxweI Bij pey bKsy bKsxhwr ]3]

aucwrx B`ij

gur saranaaee bhaj peae bakhasae bakhasanehaar ||3||

He hurries to the Guru's Sanctuary, and is forgiven by the Forgiving Lord. ||3||

ibnu nwvY suKu n pweIAY nw duKu ivchu jwie ]

bin naavai sukh n paaeeai naa dhukh vichahu jaae ||

Without the Name, peace is not obtained, and pain does not depart from within.

iehu jgu mwieAw moih ivAwipAw dUjY Brim Bulwie ]4]

eihu jag maaeiaa mohi viaapiaa dhoojai bharam bhulaae ||4||

This world is engrossed in attachment to Maya; it has gone astray in duality and doubt. ||4||

dohwgxI ipr kI swr n jwxhI ikAw kir krih sIgwru ]

dhohaaganee pir kee saar n jaanehee kiaa kar karehi seegaar ||

The forsaken soul-brides do not know the value of their Husband Lord; how can they decorate themselves?

Anidnu sdw jldIAw iPrih syjY rvY n Bqwru ]5]

anadhin sadhaa jaladheeaa firehi saejai ravai n bhathaar ||5||

Night and day, they continually burn, and they do not enjoy the Bed of their Husband Lord. ||5||

sohwgxI mhlu pwieAw ivchu Awpu gvwie ]

sohaaganee mehal paaeiaa vichahu aap gavaae ||

The happy soul-brides obtain the Mansion of His Presence, eradicating their self-conceit from within.

gur sbdI sIgwrIAw Apxy sih leIAw imlwie ]6]

aucwrx sIgwrIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo

gur sabadhee seegaareeaa apanae sehi leeaa milaae ||6||

They decorate themselves with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and their Husband Lord unites them with Himself. ||6||

mrxw mnhu ivswirAw mwieAw mohu gubwru ]

maranaa manahu visaariaa maaeiaa mohu gubaar ||

He has forgotten death, in the darkness of attachment to Maya.

mnmuK mir mir jµmih BI mrih jm dir hoih KuAwru ]7]

manamukh mar mar janmehi bhee marehi jam dhar hohi khuaar ||7||

The self-willed manmukhs die again and again, and are reborn; they die again, and are miserable at the Gate of Death. ||7||

Awip imlwieAnu sy imly gur sbid vIcwir ]

aap milaaeian sae milae gur sabadh veechaar ||

They alone are united, whom the Lord unites with Himself; they contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnk nwim smwxy muK aujly iqqu scY drbwir ]8]22]15]37]

naanak naam samaanae mukh oujalae thith sachai dharabaar ||8||22||15||37||

O Nanak, they are absorbed in the Naam; their faces are radiant, in that True Court. ||8||22||15||37||