SGGSAng 356Raag AsaMahalla 117 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

eyk n BrIAw gux kir Dovw ]

eaek n bhareeaa gun kar dhhovaa ||

I am not stained by only one sin, that could be washed clean by virtue.

myrw shu jwgY hau inis Bir sovw ]1]

maeraa sahu jaagai ho nis bhar sovaa ||1||

My Husband Lord is awake, while I sleep through the entire night of my life. ||1||

ieau ikau kMq ipAwrI hovw ]

eio kio kanth piaaree hovaa ||

In this way, how can I become dear to my Husband Lord?

shu jwgY hau ins Bir sovw ]1] rhwau ]

sahu jaagai ho nis bhar sovaa ||1|| rehaao ||

My Husband Lord remains awake, while I sleep through the entire night of my life. ||1||Pause||

Aws ipAwsI syjY Awvw ]

aas piaasee saejai aavaa ||

With hope and desire, I approach His Bed,

AwgY sh Bwvw ik n Bwvw ]2]

aagai seh bhaavaa k n bhaavaa ||2||

But I do not know whether He will be pleased with me or not. ||2||

ikAw jwnw ikAw hoiegw rI mweI ]

kiaa jaanaa kiaa hoeigaa ree maaee ||

How do I know what will happen to me, O my mother?

hir drsn ibnu rhnu n jweI ]1] rhwau ]

har dharasan bin rehan n jaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, I cannot survive. ||1||Pause||

pRymu n cwiKAw myrI iqs n buJwnI ]

aucwrx buJwnI: polw bolo

praem n chaakhiaa maeree this n bujhaanee ||

I have not tasted His Love, and my thirst is not quenched.

gieAw su jobnu Dn pCuqwnI ]3]

gaeiaa s joban dhhan pashhuthaanee ||3||

My beautiful youth has run away, and now I, the soul-bride, repent and regret. ||3||

AjY su jwgau Aws ipAwsI ]

ajai s jaago aas piaasee ||

Even now, I am held by hope and desire.

BeIly audwsI rhau inrwsI ]1] rhwau ]

bheelae oudhaasee reho niraasee ||1|| rehaao ||

I am depressed; I have no hope at all. ||1||Pause||

haumY Koie kry sIgwru ]

houmai khoe karae seegaar ||

She overcomes her egotism, and adorns herself;

qau kwmix syjY rvY Bqwru ]4]

tho kaaman saejai ravai bhathaar ||4||

The Husband Lord now ravishes and enjoys the soul-bride on His Bed. ||4||

qau nwnk kµqY min BwvY ]

tho naanak kanthai man bhaavai ||

Then, O Nanak, the bride becomes pleasing to the Mind of her Husband Lord;

Coif vfweI Apxy Ksm smwvY ]1] rhwau ]26]

shhodd vaddaaee apanae khasam samaavai ||1|| rehaao ||26||

She sheds her self-conceit, and is absorbed in her Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||26||