SGGSAng 357Raag AsaMahalla 111 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

pyvkVY Dn KrI ieAwxI ]

aucwrx pyv-kVY

paevakarrai dhhan kharee eiaanee ||

In this world of my father's house I the soul-bride, have been very childish;

iqsu sh kI mY swr n jwxI ]1]

this seh kee mai saar n jaanee ||1||

I did not realize the value of my Husband Lord. ||1||

shu myrw eyku dUjw nhI koeI ]

sahu maeraa eaek dhoojaa nehee koee ||

My Husband is the One; there is no other like Him.

ndir kry mylwvw hoeI ]1] rhwau ]

nadhar karae maelaavaa hoee ||1|| rehaao ||

If He bestows His Glance of Grace, then I shall meet Him. ||1||Pause||

swhurVY Dn swcu pCwixAw ]

saahurarrai dhhan saach pashhaaniaa ||

In the next world of my in-law's house, I, the the soul-bride, shall realize Truth;

shij suBwie Apxw ipru jwixAw ]2]

aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

sehaj subhaae apanaa pir jaaniaa ||2||

I shall come to know the celestial peace of my Husband Lord. ||2||

gurprswdI AYsI miq AwvY ]

aucwrx m`iq

gur parasaadhee aisee math aavai ||

By Guru's Grace, such wisdom comes to me,

qW kwmix kµqY min BwvY ]3]

thaan kaaman kanthai man bhaavai ||3||

So that the soul-bride becomes pleasing to the Mind of the Husband Lord. ||3||

khqu nwnku BY Bwv kw kry sIgwru ]

kehath naanak bhai bhaav kaa karae seegaar ||

Says Nanak, she who adorns herself with the Love and the Fear of God,

sdhI syjY rvY Bqwru ]4]27]

sadh hee saejai ravai bhathaar ||4||27||

Enjoys her Husband Lord forever on His Bed. ||4||27||