SGGSAng 785Raag SuhiVaar Suhi Ki Mahalla 35 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

sloku mÚ 3 ]

aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw

salok ma 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

sUhb qw sohwgxI jw mMin lYih scu nwau ]

soohab thaa sohaaganee jaa mann laihi sach naao ||

The red-robed woman becomes a happy soul-bride, only when she accepts the True Name.

siqguru Apxw mnwie lY rUpu cVI qw Aglw dUjw nwhI Qwau ]

sathigur apanaa manaae lai roop charree thaa agalaa dhoojaa naahee thhaao ||

Become pleasing to your True Guru, and you shall be totally beautified; otherwise, there is no place of rest.

AYsw sIgwru bxwie qU mYlw kdy n hoveI Aihinis lwgY Bwau ]

aisaa seegaar banaae thoo mailaa kadhae n hovee ahinis laagai bhaao ||

So decorate yourself with the decorations that will never stain, and love the Lord day and night.

nwnk sohwgix kw ikAw ichnu hY AMdir scu muKu aujlw KsmY mwih smwie ]1]

naanak sohaagan kaa kiaa chihan hai andhar sach mukh oujalaa khasamai maahi samaae ||1||

O Nanak, what is the character of the happy soul-bride? Within her, is Truth; her face is bright and radiant, and she is absorbed in her Lord and Master. ||1||