SGGSAng 1096Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 5 Dakhney9 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


jw qU myrY vil hY qw ikAw muhCµdw ]

jaa thoo maerai val hai thaa kiaa muhashhandhaa ||

When You are on my side, Lord, what do I need to worry about?

quDu sBu ikCu mYno sauipAw jw qyrw bMdw ]

thudhh sabh kishh maino soupiaa jaa thaeraa bandhaa ||

You entrusted everything to me, when I became Your slave.

lKmI qoit n AwveI Kwie Kric rhµdw ]

lakhamee thott n aavee khaae kharach rehandhaa ||

My wealth is inexhaustible, no matter how much I spend and consume.

lK caurwsIh mydnI sB syv krµdw ]

lakh chouraaseeh maedhanee sabh saev karandhaa ||

The 8.4 million species of beings all work to serve me.

eyh vYrI imqR siB kIiqAw nh mMgih mMdw ]

eaeh vairee mithr sabh keethiaa neh mangehi mandhaa ||

All these enemies have become my friends, and no one wishes me ill.

lyKw koie n puCeI jw hir bKsµdw ]

laekhaa koe n pushhee jaa har bakhasandhaa ||

No one calls me to account, since God is my forgiver.

Anµdu BieAw suKu pwieAw imil gur goivMdw ]

anandh bhaeiaa sukh paaeiaa mil gur govindhaa ||

I have become blissful, and I have found peace, meeting with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.

sBy kwj svwirAY jw quDu Bwvµdw ]7]

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sabhae kaaj savaariai jaa thudhh bhaavandhaa ||7||

All my affairs have been resolved, since You are pleased with me. ||7||