SGGSAng 1096Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 5 Dakhney3 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

5 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pMjvw

ma 5 ||

Fifth Mehl:

guJVw lDmu lwlu mQY hI prgtu iQAw ]

gujharraa ladhham laal mathhai hee paragatt thhiaa ||

The hidden jewel has been found; it has appeared on my forehead.

soeI suhwvw Qwnu ijQY iprIey nwnk jI qU vuiTAw ]3]

soee suhaavaa thhaan jithhai pireeeae naanak jee thoo vuthiaa ||3||

Beautiful and exalted is that place, O Nanak, where You dwell, O my Dear Lord. ||3||