SGGSAng 1151Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

pMc mjmI jo pMc n rwKY ]

aucwrx mj-mI: polw bolo (ArQ: ipqw)

panch majamee jo panchan raakhai ||

One who harbors the five thieves, becomes the embodiment of these five.

imiQAw rsnw inq auiT BwKY ]

mithhiaa rasanaa nith outh bhaakhai ||

He gets up each day and tells lies.

ckR bxwie krY pwKMf ]

chakr banaae karai paakhandd ||

He applies ceremonial religious marks to his body, but practices hypocrisy.

Juir Juir pcY jYsy iqRA rMf ]1]

aucwrx pcY: polw bolo

jhur jhur pachai jaisae thria randd ||1||

He wastes away in sadness and pain, like a lonely widow. ||1||

hir ky nwm ibnw sB JUTu ]

har kae naam binaa sabh jhooth ||

Without the Name of the Lord, everything is false.

ibnu gur pUry mukiq n pweIAY swcI drgih swkq mUTu ]1] rhwau ]

bin gur poorae mukath n paaeeai saachee dharagehi saakath mooth ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Perfect Guru, liberation is not obtained. In the Court of the True Lord, the faithless cynic is plundered. ||1||Pause||

soeI kucIlu kudriq nhI jwnY ]

aucwrx ku-cIlu

soee kucheel kudharath nehee jaanai ||

One who does not know the Lord's Creative Power is polluted.

lIipAY Qwie n suic hir mwnY ]

leepiai thhaae n such har maanai ||

Ritualistically plastering one's kitchen square does not make it pure in the Eyes of the Lord.

AMqru mYlw bwhru inq DovY ]

anthar mailaa baahar nith dhhovai ||

If a person is polluted within, he may wash himself everyday on the outside,

swcI drgih ApnI piq KovY ]2]

saachee dharagehi apanee path khovai ||2||

But in the Court of the True Lord, he forfeits his honor. ||2||

mwieAw kwrix krY aupwau ]

maaeiaa kaaran karai oupaao ||

He works for the sake of Maya,

kbih n GwlY sIDw pwau ]

kabehi n ghaalai seedhhaa paao ||

But he never places his feet on the right path.

ijin kIAw iqsu cIiq n AwxY ]

jin keeaa this cheeth n aanai ||

He never even remembers the One who created him.

kUVI kUVI muKhu vKwxY ]3]

koorree koorree mukhahu vakhaanai ||3||

He speaks falsehood, only falsehood, with his mouth. ||3||

ijsno krmu kry krqwru ]

jis no karam karae karathaar ||

That person, unto whom the Creator Lord shows Mercy,

swDsµig hoie iqsu ibauhwru ]

saadhhasang hoe this biouhaar ||

Deals with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir nwm Bgiq isau lwgw rMgu ]

har naam bhagath sio laagaa rang ||

One who lovingly worships the Lord's Name,

khu nwnk iqsu jn nhI BMgu ]4]40]53]

kahu naanak this jan nehee bhang ||4||40||53||

Says Nanak - no obstacles ever block his way. ||4||40||53||