BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
inMdk kau iPtky sMswru ]
nindhak ko fittakae sansaar ||
The entire universe curses the slanderer.
inMdk kw JUTw ibauhwru ]
nindhak kaa jhoothaa biouhaar ||
False are the dealings of the slanderer.
inMdk kw mYlw Awcwru ]
nindhak kaa mailaa aachaar ||
The slanderer's lifestyle is filthy and polluted.
dws Apuny kau rwKnhwru ]1]
dhaas apunae ko raakhanehaar ||1||
The Lord is the Saving Grace and the Protector of His slave. ||1||
inMdku muAw inMdk kY nwil ]
aucwrx muAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUAw, moAw)
nindhak muaa nindhak kai naal ||
The slanderer dies with the rest of the slanderers.
pwrbRhm prmysir jn rwKy inMdk kY isir kVikE kwlu ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; kV-ikE
paarabreham paramaesar jan raakhae nindhak kai sir karrakiou kaal ||1|| rehaao ||
The Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord, protects and saves His humble servant. Death roars and thunders over the head of the slanderer. ||1||Pause||
inMdk kw kihAw koie n mwnY ]
nindhak kaa kehiaa koe n maanai ||
No one belives what the slanderer says.
inMdk JUTu boil pCuqwny ]
nindhak jhooth bol pashhuthaanae ||
The slanderer tells lies, and later regrets and repents.
hwQ pCorih isru Drin lgwih ]
haathh pashhorehi sir dhharan lagaahi ||
He wrings his hands, and hits his head against the ground.
inMdk kau deI CofY nwih ]2]
nindhak ko dhee shhoddai naahi ||2||
The Lord does not forgive the slanderer. ||2||
hir kw dwsu ikCu burw n mwgY ]
har kaa dhaas kishh buraa n maagai ||
The Lord's slave does not wish anyone ill.
inMdk kau lwgY duK sWgY ]
nindhak ko laagai dhukh saangai ||
The slanderer suffers, as if stabbed by a spear.
bguly ijau rihAw pMK pswir ]
bagulae jio rehiaa pankh pasaar ||
Like a crane, he spreads his feathers, to look like a swan.
muK qy boilAw qW kiFAw bIcwir ]3]
mukh thae boliaa thaan kadtiaa beechaar ||3||
When he speaks with his mouth, then he is exposed and driven out. ||3||
AMqrjwmI krqw soie ]
antharajaamee karathaa soe ||
The Creator is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.
hirjnu krY su inhclu hoie ]
har jan karai s nihachal hoe ||
That person, whom the Lord makes His Own, becomes stable and steady.
hir kw dwsu swcw drbwir ]
har kaa dhaas saachaa dharabaar ||
The Lord's slave is true in the Court of the Lord.
jn nwnk kihAw qqu bIcwir ]4]41]54]
jan naanak kehiaa thath beechaar ||4||41||54||
Servant Nanak speaks, after contemplating the essence of reality. ||4||41||54||