SGGSAng 1236Raag SarangMahalla 526 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

swrg CMq mhlw 5

aucwrx swrg Cµq mh`lw pMjvw

saarag shhanth mehalaa 5

Saarang, Chhant, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sB dyKIAY AnBY kw dwqw ]

aucwrx An-BY

sabh dhaekheeai anabhai kaa dhaathaa ||

See the Giver of fearlessness in all.

Git Git pUrn hY Ailpwqw ]

aucwrx Ail-pwqw

ghatt ghatt pooran hai alipaathaa ||

The Detached Lord is totally permeating each and every heart.

Git Git pUrnu kir ibsQIrnu jl qrµg ijau rcnu kIAw ]

aucwrx ibs-QIrnu

ghatt ghatt pooran kar bisathheeran jal tharang jio rachan keeaa ||

Like waves in the water, He created the creation.

hiB rs mwxy Bog Gtwxy Awn n bIAw ko QIAw ]

habh ras maanae bhog ghattaanae aan n beeaa ko thheeaa ||

He enjoys all tastes, and takes pleasure in all hearts. There is no other like Him at all.

hir rMgI iek rMgI Twkuru sµqsµig pRBu jwqw ]

har rangee eik rangee thaakur santhasang prabh jaathaa ||

The color of the Lord's Love is the one color of our Lord and Master; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, God is realized.

nwnk dris lInw ijau jl mInw sB dyKIAY AnBY kw dwqw ]1]

aucwrx An-BY

naanak dharas leenaa jio jal meenaa sabh dhaekheeai anabhai kaa dhaathaa ||1||

O Nanak, I am drenched with the Blessed Vision of the Lord, like the fish in the water. I see the Giver of fearlessness in all. ||1||

kaun aupmw dyau kvn bfweI ]

koun oupamaa dhaeo kavan baddaaee ||

What praises should I give, and what approval should I offer to Him?

pUrn pUir rihE sRb TweI ]

pooran poor rehiou srab thaaee ||

The Perfect Lord is totally pervading and permeating all places.

pUrn mnmohn Gt Gt sohn jb iKMcY qb CweI ]

pooran manamohan ghatt ghatt sohan jab khinchai thab shhaaee ||

The Perfect Enticing Lord adorns each and every heart. When He withdraws, the mortal turns to dust.

ikau n ArwDhu imil kir swDhu GrI muhqk bylw AweI ]

aucwrx muh-qk

kio n araadhhahu mil kar saadhhahu gharee muhathak baelaa aaee ||

Why do you not worship and adore Him? Join together with the Holy Saints; any instant, your time shall come.

ArQu drbu sBu jo ikCu dIsY sµig n kChU jweI ]

arathh dharab sabh jo kishh dheesai sang n kashhehoo jaaee ||

All your property and wealth, and all that you see - none of it will go along with you.

khu nwnk hir hir AwrwDhu kvn aupmw dyau kvn bfweI ]2]

kahu naanak har har aaraadhhahu kavan oupamaa dhaeo kavan baddaaee ||2||

Says Nanak, worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har. What praise, and what approval, can I offer to Him? ||2||

pUCau sMq myro Twkuru kYsw ]

pooshho santh maero thaakur kaisaa ||

I ask the Saints, what is my Lord and Master like?

hˆØIau ArwpauN dyhu sdysw ]

aucwrx sdysw: itpI rihq bolo

hanaeeo araapoun dhaehu sadhaesaa ||

I offer my heart, to one who brings me news of Him.

dyhu sdysw pRB jIau kYsw kh mohn prvysw ]

aucwrx sdysw: itpI rihq bolo

dhaehu sadhaesaa prabh jeeo kaisaa keh mohan paravaesaa ||

Give me news of my Dear God; where does the Enticer live?

AMg AMg suKdweI pUrn bRhmweI Qwn Qwnµqr dysw ]

aucwrx bRhmweI: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

ang ang sukhadhaaee pooran brehamaaee thhaan thhaananthar dhaesaa ||

He is the Giver of peace to life and limb; God is totally permeating all places, interspaces and countries.

bµDn qy mukqw Git Git jugqw kih n skau hir jYsw ]

bandhhan thae mukathaa ghatt ghatt jugathaa kehi n sako har jaisaa ||

He is liberated from bondage, joined to each and every heart. I cannot say what the Lord is like.

dyiK cirq nwnk mnu moihE pUCY dInu myro Twkuru kYsw ]3]

dhaekh charith naanak man mohiou pooshhai dheen maero thaakur kaisaa ||3||

Gazing upon His wondrous play, O Nanak, my mind is fascinated. I humbly ask, what is my Lord and Master like? ||3||

kir ikrpw Apuny pih AwieAw ]

kar kirapaa apunae pehi aaeiaa ||

In His Kindness, He has come to His humble servant.

Dµin su irdw ijh crn bswieAw ]

dhhann s ridhaa jih charan basaaeiaa ||

Blessed is that heart, in which the Lord's Feet are enshrined.

crn bswieAw sMq sµgwieAw AigAwn AMDyru gvwieAw ]

charan basaaeiaa santh sangaaeiaa agiaan andhhaer gavaaeiaa ||

His Feet are enshrined within, in the Society of the Saints; the darkness of ignorance is dispelled.

BieAw pRgwsu irdY aulwsu pRBu loVIdw pwieAw ]

bhaeiaa pragaas ridhai oulaas prabh lorreedhaa paaeiaa ||

The heart is enlightened and illumined and enraptured; God has been found.

duKu nwTw suKu Gr mih vUTw mhw Anµd shjwieAw ]

dhukh naathaa sukh ghar mehi voothaa mehaa anandh sehajaaeiaa ||

Pain is gone, and peace has come to my house. The ultimate intuitive peace prevails.

khu nwnk mY pUrw pwieAw kir ikrpw Apuny pih AwieAw ]4]1]

kahu naanak mai pooraa paaeiaa kar kirapaa apunae pehi aaeiaa ||4||1||

Says Nanak, I have found the Perfect Lord; in His Kindness, He has come to His humble servant. ||4||1||