SGGSAng 1235Raag SarangMahalla 554 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

swrg mhlw 5 AstpdI Gru 6

aucwrx swrg mh`lw pMjvw Ast-pdI Gru Cyvw

saarag mehalaa 5 asattapadhee ghar 6

Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Sixth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Agm AgwiD sunhu jn kQw ]

agam agaadhh sunahu jan kathhaa ||

Listen to the Story of the Inaccessible and Unfathomable.

pwrbRhm kI Acrj sBw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; Ac-rj; sBw: polw bolo

paarabreham kee acharaj sabhaa ||1|| rehaao ||

The glory of the Supreme Lord God is wondrous and amazing! ||1||Pause||

sdw sdw siqgur nmskwr ]

sadhaa sadhaa sathigur namasakaar ||

Forever and ever, humbly bow to the True Guru.

gur ikrpw qy gun gwie Apwr ]

gur kirapaa thae gun gaae apaar ||

By Guru's Grace, sing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

mn BIqir hovY prgwsu ]

man bheethar hovai paragaas ||

His Light shall radiate deep within your mind.

igAwn AMjnu AigAwn ibnwsu ]1]

giaan anjan agiaan binaas ||1||

With the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom, ignorance is dispelled. ||1||

imiq nwhI jw kw ibsQwru ]

mith naahee jaa kaa bisathhaar ||

There is no limit to His Expanse.

soBw qw kI Apr Apwr ]

aucwrx Apr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pr)

sobhaa thaa kee apar apaar ||

His Glory is Infinite and Endless.

Aink rMg jw ky gny n jwih ]

anik rang jaa kae ganae n jaahi ||

His many plays cannot be counted.

sog hrK duhhU mih nwih ]2]

sog harakh dhuhehoo mehi naahi ||2||

He is not subject to pleasure or pain. ||2||

Aink bRhmy jw ky byd Duin krih ]

aucwrx bRhmy: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

anik brehamae jaa kae baedh dhhun karehi ||

Many Brahmas vibrate Him in the Vedas.

Aink mhys bYis iDAwnu Drih ]

anik mehaes bais dhhiaan dhharehi ||

Many Shivas sit in deep meditation.

Aink purK AMsw Avqwr ]

anik purakh ansaa avathaar ||

Many beings take incarnation.

Aink ieMdR aUBy drbwr ]3]

anik eindhr oobhae dharabaar ||3||

Many Indras stand at the Lord's Door. ||3||

Aink pvn pwvk Aru nIr ]

anik pavan paavak ar neer ||

Many winds, fires and waters.

Aink rqn swgr diD KIr ]

anik rathan saagar dhadhh kheer ||

Many jewels, and oceans of butter and milk.

Aink sUr ssIAr niKAwiq ]

aucwrx n-iKAwiq: Bwrw krky bolo

anik soor saseear nakhiaath ||

Many suns, moons and stars.

Aink dyvI dyvw bhu BWiq ]4]

anik dhaevee dhaevaa bahu bhaanth ||4||

Many gods and goddesses of so many kinds. ||4||

Aink bsuDw Aink kwmDyn ]

aucwrx bsuDw: polw bolo (ASuD: bsu`Dw)

anik basudhhaa anik kaamadhhaen ||

Many earths, many wish-fulfilling cows.

Aink pwrjwq Aink muiK byn ]

anik paarajaath anik mukh baen ||

Many miraculous Elysian trees, many Krishnas playing the flute.

Aink Akws Aink pwqwl ]

anik akaas anik paathaal ||

Many Akaashic ethers, many nether regions of the underworld.

Aink muKI jpIAY gopwl ]5]

anik mukhee japeeai gopaal ||5||

Many mouths chant and meditate on the Lord. ||5||

Aink swsqR isimRiq purwn ]

anik saasathr simrith puraan ||

Many Shaastras, Simritees and Puraanas.

Aink jugiq hovq biKAwn ]

anik jugath hovath bakhiaan ||

Many ways in which we speak.

Aink sroqy sunih inDwn ]

anik sarothae sunehi nidhhaan ||

Many listeners listen to the Lord of Treasure.

srb jIA pUrn Bgvwn ]6]

sarab jeea pooran bhagavaan ||6||

The Lord God totally permeates all beings. ||6||

Aink Drm Aink kumyr ]

anik dhharam anik kumaer ||

Many righteous judges of Dharma, many gods of wealth.

Aink brn Aink kink sumyr ]

anik baran anik kanik sumaer ||

Many gods of water, many mountains of gold.

Aink syK nvqn nwmu lyih ]

anik saekh navathan naam laehi ||

Many thousand-headed snakes, chanting ever-new Names of God.

pwrbRhm kw AMqu n qyih ]7]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham kaa anth n thaehi ||7||

They do not know the limits of the Supreme Lord God. ||7||

Aink purIAw Aink qh KMf ]

anik pureeaa anik theh khandd ||

Many solar systems, many galaxies.

Aink rUp rMg bRhmMf ]

anik roop rang brehamandd ||

Many forms, colors and celestial realms.

Aink bnw Aink Pl mUl ]

anik banaa anik fal mool ||

Many gardens, many fruits and roots.

Awpih sUKm Awpih AsQUl ]8]

aapehi sookham aapehi asathhool ||8||

He Himself is mind, and He Himself is matter. ||8||

Aink jugwid idns Aru rwiq ]

anik jugaadh dhinas ar raath ||

Many ages, days and nights.

Aink prlau Aink auqpwiq ]

anik paralo anik outhapaath ||

Many apocalypses, many creations.

Aink jIA jw ky igRh mwih ]

anik jeea jaa kae grih maahi ||

Many beings are in His home.

rmq rwm pUrn sRb TWie ]9]

aucwrx rmq: polw bolo (ASuD: rm`q)

ramath raam pooran srab thaane ||9||

The Lord is perfectly pervading all places. ||9||

Aink mwieAw jw kI lKI n jwie ]

anik maaeiaa jaa kee lakhee n jaae ||

Many Mayas, which cannot be known.

Aink klw KylY hir rwie ]

anik kalaa khaelai har raae ||

Many are the ways in which our Sovereign Lord plays.

Aink Duinq lilq sµgIq ]

aucwrx Duinq: polw bolo (ASuD: Du-inq); lilq: polw bolo (ASuD: l-ilq)

anik dhhunith lalith sangeeth ||

Many exquisite melodies sing of the Lord.

Aink gupq pRgty qh cIq ]10]

anik gupath pragattae theh cheeth ||10||

Many recording scribes of the conscious and subconscious are revealed there. ||10||

sB qy aUc Bgq jw kY sµig ]

sabh thae ooch bhagath jaa kai sang ||

He is above all, and yet He dwells with His devotees.

AwT phr gun gwvih rµig ]

aath pehar gun gaavehi rang ||

Twenty-four hours a day, they sing His Praises with love.

Aink Anwhd Awnµd Junkwr ]

anik anaahadh aanandh jhunakaar ||

Many unstruck melodies resound and resonate with bliss.

auAw rs kw kCu AMqu n pwr ]11]

aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)

ouaa ras kaa kashh anth n paar ||11||

There is no end or limit of that sublime essence. ||11||

siq purKu siq AsQwnu ]

sath purakh sath asathhaan ||

True is the Primal Being, and True is His dwelling.

aUc qy aUc inrml inrbwnu ]

ooch thae ooch niramal nirabaan ||

He is the Highest of the high, Immaculate and Detached, in Nirvaanaa.

Apunw kIAw jwnih Awip ]

apunaa keeaa jaanehi aap ||

He alone knows His handiwork.

Awpy Git Git rihE ibAwip ]

aapae ghatt ghatt rehiou biaap ||

He Himself pervades each and every heart.

ikRpw inDwn nwnk dieAwl ]

kirapaa nidhhaan naanak dhaeiaal ||

The Merciful Lord is the Treasure of Compassion, O Nanak.

ijin jipAw nwnk qy Bey inhwl ]12]1]2]2]3]7]

jin japiaa naanak thae bheae nihaal ||12||1||2||2||3||7||

Those who chant and meditate on Him, O Nanak, are exalted and enraptured. ||12||1||2||2||3||7||